Day 005 社会——“香港流感”侵袭美国

Day 005 社会——“香港流感”侵袭美国

作者: danielyu小于 | 来源:发表于2018-02-05 15:35 被阅读0次


    1968年7月,香港爆发流感(H3N2病毒引起),并引起全球蔓延,致死人数近100万。该病毒随后传到美国,疫症一直持续到1969年。2009年3月底,墨西哥和美国加州、德州爆发猪流感(H1N1病毒引起)。疫情持续长达一年多,造成约1.85万人死亡,出现疫情的国家和地区达到了214个。2017年底,美国迎来最新流感季。在经过几个月的发酵之后,此次流感已成近10年来最严重的一次,而且目前情况在持续恶化。此次流感爆发中,“主力军”是 H3N2 病毒,而“辅助作战”的则是 H1N1 病毒。两大病毒“强强联手”,导致美国陷入流感恐慌之中。目前来看,65岁以上的人群是住院率最高的,紧随其后的则是50-64岁的人群。由于该年龄段的人,一般处在自己收入最高的时期,而且多为领导层,所以他们生病住院可能会给美国经济带来较大损害。





    This Flu Season Is the Worst in Nearly a Decade

    This year's flu season is now more intense than any since the 2009 swine flu pandemic and still getting worse, federal health officials said on Friday.

    Nationally, the number of people falling ill with flu is increasing. More worrying, the hospitalization rate — a predictor of the death rate — has just jumped.

    This week, the deaths of seven children were reported to the C.D.C., bringing this season's total to 37. The agency still recommends that Americans get flu shots. Because some doctors and pharmacies have none left, doctors suggested checking vaccinefinder.org to find providers with stocks.

    More people fell ill during the 2009 "swine flu" pandemic, but that was a new virus. This year's dominant virus, H3N2, has been circulating for 50 years — it emerged as the "Hong Kong flu" in 1968 — but it is usually the most lethal of the seasonal strains.

    People over 65 are the most likely to be hospitalized. But in an unusual twist, those aged 50 to 64 — rather than infants — are the age cohort right behind the elderly.

    "Baby boomers have higher hospitalization rates than their grandchildren right now," Dr. Daniel B. Jernigan, director of the C.D.C.'s influenza division, said during a telephone news conference Friday.

    Hospitalizations and deaths among people in that age group can hurt the economy more than deaths of the elderly, he noted, since they are in their peak earning years and often in supervisory positions.


    intense /ɪnˈtɛns/: adj. 猛烈的;强烈的

    swine /swʌɪn/: n. 猪

    predictor /prɪˈdɪktə/: n. 预见因素;预言家

    agency /ˈeɪdʒ(ə)nsi/: n. 部门;机构

    stock /stɒk/: n. 存货;存量

    circulate /ˈsəːkjʊleɪt/: vi. 传播;流传

    twist /twɪst/: n. 转折(点)

    infant /ˈɪnf(ə)nt/: n. 婴儿

    cohort /ˈkəʊhɔːt/: n.(有某种共同特征的)一伙人

    supervisory /suːpəˈvʌɪzəri/: adj. 监督的;督导的


    flu season: 流感(高发)季

    swine flu: 猪流感

    flu shot: 流感疫苗

    hospitalization /ˌhɒspɪt(ə)lʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/: n. 住院

    rate of hospitalization / hospitalization rate: 住院率

    death rate: 死亡率

    C.D.C.: Centers for Disease Control(美国疾病控制中心)

    pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsi/: n. 药房

    drug store: 药房

    pharmacist /ˈfɑːməsɪst/: n. 药剂师

    health care provider: 医疗服务供应商(包括:医院、医生、护士、药剂师等)

    vaccine /ˈvaksɪn, ˈvaksiːn/: n. 疫苗

    epidemic /ɛpɪˈdɛmɪk/: n. 传染病

    pandemic /panˈdɛmɪk/: n. 广泛传播的疾病

    virus /ˈvʌɪrəs/: n. 病毒

    lethal /ˈliːθ(ə)l/: adj. 致命的

    strain /streɪn/: n.(病的)种类

    hospitalize /ˈhɒspɪt(ə)lʌɪz/: vt. 使住院;就医(多用于被动语态)

    influenza /ɪnflʊˈɛnzə/: n. 流感(= flu)



          本文标题:Day 005 社会——“香港流感”侵袭美国
