

作者: 苏夕是我 | 来源:发表于2018-10-16 21:24 被阅读0次

1、音频 wine the witch, happy Halloween, little critter.  蓝色小考拉万圣节

2、视频 无

3、游戏 handy dandy

M: Let’s paly handy dandy. I will hide a candy in my hand. Can you guess which hand has candy ?high or low?you missed. There is nothing in this hand. It’s your turn.

Carlos sang the song.

M: I can see the letters easily . You need find something small enough to hide in your hand .


4、talking about vampires.

M: Do you know something about vampires?

C: Penelope’s dad is a vampire. Penelope is scared.

M: yes. Penelope is scared and she thought he would eat all her sweets.

C: yes. He has lots of sweets.

M: not he, she has lots of sweets. Penelope is a girl.

Do you know that vampires have no reflection in a mirror.

C: yes

M:if we stand in the front of the mirror, we can see ourselves in the mirror.

If you were a vampire, you have no reflection in the mirror.

2018-10-16万科V-learn小西妈双语工程2017年03期144号谢思岩Carlos 2018-10-16万科V-learn小西妈双语工程2017年03期144号谢思岩Carlos




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