Doggy bag

作者: 厦门AHA | 来源:发表于2019-11-12 20:26 被阅读0次

    “Doggy bag”真的不是“狗袋”!真正的意思你一定想不到!

    不知道大家的饭量如何呢?上周我和一个饭量很小的朋友一起吃饭,当时我们都很饿,所以点了好多东西,但是吃到一半,我们就深刻地意识到,菜点得太多了,于是我的朋友说,我们需要和服务员要一些doggy bag。


    Doggy bag

    doggy bag is a paper or plastic bag or box given a restaurant customer to take home leftovers ,就是我们常说的打包袋。

    那这个表达跟“狗”有什么关系呢?Originally. American people tell the waiter that they bring the leftovers back home for their pets, especially dog. 但是呢,这些带回家的东西并不一定都是给狗狗吃的。所以啊,美国人其实也有面子思想,不想让别人知道自己吃剩菜。

    doggy:the presumption that such leftovers are intended for a pet dog

    But now, take leftovers back home is pretty much common.On the contrary, it is weird if you don’t do that.这个词就这么存留下来了。

    但是,美国人真的用doggy bag来表达打包吗?答案是 no 。

    I recently did a survey about that, 90% American people told me that they can understand what the doggy bag is, it is just like a regional dialect, but they don’t actually use it.

    那么我们究竟应该怎么跟服务员说呢?在这呢,我要跟大家分享一个非常实用且简单的表达,那就是“to-go bag”。上一节课呢,我们有讲打包还是堂食怎么说,大家还记得吗? For here or to go,right? to go在这的意思就是打包,那to-go bag就是打包袋,to go box就是打包盒啦。

    Doggy bag Doggy bag Doggy bag

    Can I have a to-go bag?


    Could be please give me a to-go box?


    那所有以上的这些打包的装备可以统称为to go container/ take out container.


    Can I have these to go?                 


    Doggy bag

    The waiter will definitely understand you if you express your request like that.




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