java -通用查询sql语句

java -通用查询sql语句

作者: 走停2015_iOS开发 | 来源:发表于2020-12-29 16:11 被阅读0次
  • 简单查询语句(DQL)
    select 字段1,字段2,字段3,.....from 表名;
 select *from 表名;

 select name, id  from t_user;
 select name, id*12  from t_user; 可以进行计算

//给查询列起别名 不会修改数据库
 select name as title, id  from t_user; 
 select name as` title`, id  from t_user;
select name  title, id  from t_user; 
      1.任何一条sql语句以  ;  结尾

  • 条件查询
    select 字段1 字段2 from 表名 where 条件;
    1.and:优先级高 or:优先级低
    2.or 等同于 in
    3.模糊查询like %:代表任意多个字符 _:代表任意一个字符
select name from t_user where name = 'LiLei';
| name  |
| LiLei |

select * from t_user where name = 'LiLei'
| id | name  | age | gender |
|  1 | LiLei |  18 |      1 |

select * from t_user where age>17;
| id | name     | age | gender |
|  1 | LiLei    |  18 |      1 |
|  5 | WeiHua   |  32 |      0 |
|  6 | ZhangWei |  25 |      1 |
|  7 | Ann      |  36 |      0 |
|  8 | Lisa     |  19 |      0 |
|  9 | ZhangWei |  18 |      1 |

select *from t_user where id  between 1 and 5;  相当于 [1~5]
| id | name      | age | gender |
|  1 | LiLei     |  18 |      1 |
|  2 | HanMeimei |  17 |      0 |
|  3 | Lucy      |  17 |      0 |
|  4 | Lili      |  16 |      0 |
|  5 | WeiHua    |  32 |      0 |

select *from t_user where content is not  null;
| id | name | age | gender | content |
|  8 | Lisa |  19 |      0 | ceshi   |

select *from t_user where name='Lisa' or name ='ZhangWei';
select *from t_user where name in('Lisa','ZhangWei');
| id | name     | age | gender | content |
|  8 | Lisa     |  19 |      0 | ceshi   |
|  9 | ZhangWei |  18 |      1 | NULL    |
|  6 | ZhangWei |  25 |      1 | NULL    |

select *from t_user where name like '%n%';
| id | name      | age | gender | content |
|  2 | HanMeimei |  17 |      0 | NULL    |
|  6 | ZhangWei  |  25 |      1 | NULL    |
|  7 | Ann       |  36 |      0 | NULL    |
|  9 | ZhangWei  |  18 |      1 | NULL    |

select *from t_user where name like '_u%';
| id | name | age | gender | content |
|  3 | Lucy |  17 |      0 | NULL    |

//特殊 名字中有下划线的
select *from t_user where name like '%_%' ;//不行
只能让 _ 转义 
select *from t_user where name like '%\_%'; ok
| id | name  | age | gender | content |
| 10 | Ka_te |  17 |      1 | NULL    |


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      本文标题:java -通用查询sql语句
