
作者: 烟竹12 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 13:23 被阅读0次

title: College is not an Ivory Tower

topic sentence: Although we don't need to study hard like high school ,we should spend much time learning and actively participateing in club activities.

sub-topic 1:In study,we should listen seriously in the class so.on.

sub-topic 2:When we have an opportunity to social practice,we should take an active part in it.

title:Why I like to learn English

topic sentence:English is very useful and interesting.

subtopic 1:English is the most widely used language in the world.

sub-topic 2:As a language,its pronunciation is very interesting.

title: the similarities and differences in the way my father and mother show their love for me.

topic sentence:My parents love me in different ways.

sub-topic 1:My father is a kind man,so He was patient when he educated me.my mother is very strict,so she is very strict with me in life.(differences)

sub-topic 2:My parents are optimistic,so simetimes they have same ways . (similarities)

title:The personality trait I most want to have

topic sentence:I think self confidence and Diligence  are the personality traits I  want to have.

sub-topic 1:the reason of diligence and example.

sub-topic 2:the reason of confidence and example.

title:  the current decline in moral values

topic sentence:Morality is extremely important to each and every one of us, so we should pay more attention to moral decline

sub-topic 1:The reason of the current decline in moral values

sub-topic 2:example and how to do.


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