[读书笔记] 曼昆经济原理 第7章 交易剩余和市场效率

[读书笔记] 曼昆经济原理 第7章 交易剩余和市场效率

作者: 正儿八经逻辑 | 来源:发表于2016-09-21 16:18 被阅读0次

<u><big>Consumer surplus</big></u> equals buyers’ willingness to pay for a good minus the amount they actually pay, and it <u>measures the benefit buyers get from participating in a market.</u> Consumer surplus can be computed by finding the area below the demand curve and above the price.

上文涉及到的重要概念:Willingness to pay (支付意愿) is the maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good. Consumer surplus (消费者剩余) is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it.
上文涉及到的数学公式:消费者剩余 = 支付意愿 - 实际价格.

<u><big>Producer surplus</big></u> equals the amount sellers receive for their goods minus their costs of production, and it <u>measures the benefit sellers get from participating in a market.</u> Producer surplus can be computed by finding the area below the price and above the supply curve.

上文涉及到的重要概念:Cost (代价,生产成本,机会成本) is the value of everything a seller must give up to produce a good. Producer surplus (生产者剩余) is the amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller’s cost of providing it.
上文涉及到的数学公式:生产者剩余 = 实际价格 - 生产成本.

<u>An allocation of resources that maximizes[^fn] the sum</u> of consumer and producer surplus <u>is said to be <big>efficient</big>.</u> Policymakers are often concerned with the efficiency, as well as the equality, of economic outcomes.

上文涉及到的重要概念:Efficiency (效率) is the property of a resource allocation of maximizing the total surplus received by all members of society. Equality (公平) is the property of distributing economic prosperity uniformly among the members of society.
[^fn]:由此可见,作者 N. Gregory Mankiw (曼昆) 是个美国人。

The equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes the sum of consumer and producer surplus. That is, <u><big>the invisible hand</big></u>[^fn1] of the marketplace <u>leads buyers and sellers to allocate resources efficiently</u>.

上文涉及到的重要概念:Welfare economics (福利经济学) is the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. 关于「福利经济学」这一概念,我们需要注意的是,它关注的是 “how to affect” 的问题(正如我们用 Italic 斜体 突出的字词)。
[^fn1]:语出 Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) —— 亚当·斯密《国富论》。

<u>Markets do not allocate resources efficiently in the presence of <big>market failures</big></u> such as market power or externalities.

[^fn2]:注意,我说的是「不能保证」,我的意思是「从假前提得出的结论可真可假」。这里要注意的是,如果前提是真的,那么合乎逻辑的结论一定是真的;如果前提是假的,那么合乎逻辑的结论可真可假,即使说,它「真假不定」。直白地说,「真假不定」的句子对我们的生活没有任何指导意义 —— 它是无意义的信息。



      本文标题:[读书笔记] 曼昆经济原理 第7章 交易剩余和市场效率
