Imgur 的用户比较一致,说猫在下楼,Reddit 用户在讨论这猫时看起来分岐很大,两种意见互不相让。而一些Facebook 的用户以猫尾巴摇摆的方式为依据,认为是上楼.BBC的一档节目称答案取决于墙砖的布局方向。每日镜报则引述其他贴子的观点,认为猫在下楼。英国电讯报则干脆在新闻标题中将其称为“新裙子门” (The new dressgate)。
CNET 采访了一位远在英国的行为科学教授,请他给个结论。这个教授长篇大论,听起来都蛮有道理的。但就是没有结论。记者几次打断他,让他给结论。最后,他毫不意外地说,两种可能性都存在。
It would need a true academic to sort this one out. Thankfully, Behavioral Science professor Nick Chater of the Warwick Business School in the UK has risen to the task.
He contacted me to explain: "We see in 3D, even though our eyes only receive 2D images. This seems puzzling, because it can be shown mathematically that there is an implied number of 3D scenes that will create the same 2D images. Most of the time, our brain is spectacularly good at solving this problem. It usually turns out that precisely one 3D interpretation is 'sensible' and all the others are bizarre, in one way or another."
I am surrounded by bizarre images all day. I think of them as mere normality. After all, I live in Northern California.
However Chater continued: "Our brain uses the most 'sensible' 3D interpretation; and mostly -- except when we are being subjected to cunning visual illusions -- this works just fine. But sometimes there are two equally plausible 3D interpretations of the same 2D image. Famous examples include the Necker cube (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necker_cube) and Rubin's face-vase illusion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubin_vase). Then, the brain flips between one interpretation and the other."
Professor, my brain is flipping. Tell me, is the cat going up or down the stairs?
Chater explained that the cat image has two possible interpretations because of "the amorphous gray square at the top of the picture." He suggests we focus on "the angle between the plane of the staircase and the surface represented by this gray patch."
He told me: "When we see the cat as coming downstairs, the gray square is interpreted as ceiling -- and this makes an acute, roughly 45 degree, angle with the staircase. But when we see the cat as going upstairs, the gray square is now interpreted as floor -- and this makes an obtuse, roughly 135 degree angle with the staircase."
So which is it, professor? Up or down?
"If we could only tell the 'slant' of the mysterious square patch in relation to the staircase, we would know if it was floor or ceiling, and so there would be no ambiguity. But the image cleverly leaves the gray square bereft of any clues. So we flip from one interpretation to the other," he said.
What do you mean: "If only"? After all this intellectual explanation, we still don't have an answer? Worse, we will never have an answer unless the creators of this dastardly picture come forward and admit their bent?
How will we now get through the weekend?