本文翻译自Recommended C Style and Coding Standards.
L.W. Cannon (Bell Labs)
R.A. Elliott (Bell Labs)
L.W. Kirchhoff (Bell Labs)
J.H. Miller (Bell Labs)
J.M. Milner (Bell Labs)
R.W. Mitze (Bell Labs)
E.P. Schan (Bell Labs)
N.O. Whittington (Bell Labs)
Henry Spencer (Zoology Computer Systems, University of Toronto)
David Keppel (EECS, UC Berkeley, CS&E, University of Washington)
Mark Brader (SoftQuad? Incorporated, Toronto)
本文是《Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standards》的更新版本,上面提到的最后三位作者对其进行了修改。本文主要介绍了一种C程序的推荐编码标准,内容着重于讲述编码风格,而不是功能组织(Functional Organization)。