

作者: leeqin_e2fe | 来源:发表于2021-01-12 22:50 被阅读0次

2021-01-05 14:58职场英语

Best Book on the Psychology of Investing: "Thinking, Fast and Slow"关于投资心理学最好的书籍:《思考,快与慢》

Daniel Kahneman knows a thing or two about thinking. He’s a psychology professor at Princeton University. He also knows a lot about finances, having won the 2002 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences.Daniel Kahneman很懂思考,他是普林斯顿大学的一位心理学教授。他还很懂金融知识,赢得了2002年诺贝尔经济科学奖。

His New York Times bestseller, "Thinking, Fast and Slow," delves into how your thought processes can affect your success in investing. Everyone harbors their own little biases, sometimes subconsciously. Kahneman explains how to identify your own and lock them away so you can make investment decisions without their input, thinking clearly, rationally and analytically.他在《纽约时报》上榜的畅销书《思考,快与慢》深入研究了思维过程如何影响投资上的成功。每个人都有小偏见,有时就存在在潜意识里。Kahneman解释了如何认清自己的偏见并将其摒弃,以便能在零投入的情况下做出投资决策,同时思路清晰、理性,而且善于分析。

This book isn’t just about investing, although that’s its focus. Kahneman also explains how biases can affect our everyday lives and other financial decisions. 这本书虽然主要围绕投资,但不仅限于投资,Kahneman也解释了偏见是如何影响我们日常生活和其他财务决策的。

Best Book on Investing Like a Pro: "One Up on Wall Street"像专业人士一样投资的最好书籍:《彼得·林奇的成功投资》

The title gets your competitive juices flowing, doesn’t it? "One Up On Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market" throws down a challenge flag to beat the beast. Lynch says it’s not only possible for newbie investors to do as well as, if not better than, the pros--he maintains they already have everything it takes right at their fingertips.这个书名就刺激了你的竞争神经吧?《彼得·林奇的成功投资》让你下战书去打败怪兽。Lynch说投资新手就算不能比专家做得更好,至少也能赶上专家水平,他认为他们已经拥有了投资所需的一切。

Lynch believes that solid investment opportunities are everywhere. They litter the ground at our feet; we just have to stop walking so fast, pause in our everyday lives, and bend down to inspect the clutter so we can pluck out the most viable options. In doing so, we can beat the pros to the punchline and get in on an investment before the rest of the world realizes its potential.Lynch认为到处都有可靠的投资机会,机会就在我们脚下,我们只需停下疾驰的脚步,日常生活中稍作停顿,弯下腰拨开杂物就能做出最可行的选择,这样专家就成了我们的手下败将,在其他人还没意识到这个投资产品的潜力之前就能提前出手。

"One Up on Wall Street" has sold more than a million copies since its release in 2000. The New York Times says Lynch, a renowned investor in his own right, is “in a league by himself.” 《彼得·林奇的成功投资》自从2000年发行以来销量已超过100万本,《纽约时报》称凭借自己力量享有盛誉的投资者Lynch“自成一派”。

Best Book About Finances in General: "Principles: Life and Work"关于一般财务问题最好的书籍:《原则:生活和工作》

This No. 1 New York Times bestseller is written by one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. An average, middle-class kid who grew up in Long Island, Dalio began his investment firm in his New York apartment. Forty years later, Fortune named his company as one of the five most important in the U.S.这本《纽约时报》排行第一的畅销书是由《时代周刊》世界100位最有影响力人物中的一位写的。Dalio是一个普通的中产阶级家庭的孩子,在长岛长大,在纽约公寓里开办了自己的投资公司。40年后《财富》杂志称他的公司是全美五大重要公司之一。

"Principles: Life and Work" is part autobiography, part instructional. Dalio shares his secrets and insights and explains how businesses, individuals, and organizations can adopt them, including a set of rules for applying them to investing, life, your business and your finances in general.《原则:生活和工作》一部分是自传,一部分是教学。Dalio分享了他的秘诀和见解,并解释了这些如何为企业、个人和组织所用,其中包括一套规则,可以让你将它们应用于投资、生活、生意和一般的财务问题上。

The New York Times says the book is “surprisingly moving.” Bill Gates said it provided him with “invaluable guidance.” Published in September 2017, the book is still making fresh waves in the industry.《纽约时报》说这本书“特别令人触动。” 比尔·盖茨说这本书为他提供了“宝贵的指导”。这本书出版于2017年9月,现在仍能在这一行业掀起新的波澜。

Best for Conservative Investors: "The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need"针对保守投资者最好的书籍:《你所需要的唯一投资指南 》

This one has been around for over 40 years and for good reason. The Los Angeles Times says it “actually lives up to its name.” Don’t worry—it’s not antiquated with advice from the 1970s. It was recently updated in 2016 to keep pace with the current economy and trends.这本书已上市40多年,它的畅销是有原因的,《洛杉机时报》说它“真的是书如其名”。你不要害怕,书中并非满是20世纪70年代的建议,最近一次于2016年更新,以便能跟上当前经济发展和趋势。

Andrew Tobias doesn’t just address the wealthy investor. He offers tips and guidance for those with more limited capital, and he does it in frank, easy-to-understand and often humorous language. He dedicates the book to his broker, who, he says, “from time to time made me just that.”Andrew Tobias不仅针对有钱的投资者,还为那些资本有限的人提供建议和指导,书中语言直白易懂,还很幽默。他把这本书送给了他的经纪人,他说是他“偶尔使我变成那个样子”。

"The Only Investment Guide" has helped educate over one million readers. 《你所需要的唯一投资指南 》已经对超过100万读者起到了教育作用。

Best Book About Startups: "Angel: How to Invest in Technology "针对创业公司最好的书籍:《天使:科技行业投资指南》

The full title of Jason Calacanis’ book, "Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups—Timeless Advice from an Angel Investor Who Turned $100,000 into $100,000,000," explains why you might want to forget the stock market and take a slightly different approach to investing.Jason Calacanis这本书的全名是《天使:科技初创公司投资指南——让天使投资人把10万美元变成1个亿的普适建议》,书中解释了你为什么要忘掉股市,找一个稍有不同的投资方式。

Calacanis made his name as an angel investor in Silicon Valley, and he insists there are two ways to make money with startups. Both involve coming up with something new and innovative that the public simply can’t live without. The first way is to actually conceive of something and create it. The other is to fund its creation and distribution. Angels do the latter, and Calacanis explains his personal techniques for identifying and assisting worthy startups.Calacanis作为知名的硅谷的天使投资人,坚称靠创业企业赚钱有两种方式,这两种方式都要有新的标新立异的而且是公众生活离不开的想法。第一种方式是要真的有设想并实现它,另一种方式是要为创业公司和资产分配提供资金。天使投资人都采用第二种方式,Calacanis解释了他个人确认并帮助有价值的创业公司的技巧。

Learn to think like an angel by investing in startups in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. "Angel" was first released in 2017 and  The New York Times calls it “refreshing and clarifying.”你要学会像天使投资人一样投资创业公司来换取可转换债务或股权。这本书最初于2017年发行,《纽约时


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