属性 | 默认值 | 描述 |
metadata.broker.list | 启动时producer查询brokers的列表,可以是集群中所有brokers的一个子集。注意,这个参数只是用来获取topic的元信息用,producer会从元信息中挑选合适的broker并与之建立socket连接。格式是:host1:port1,host2:port2 | |
request.required.acks | 0 | 参见3.2节介绍 |
request.timeout.ms | 10000 | Broker等待ack的超时时间,若等待时间超过此值,会返回客户端错误信息。 |
producer.type | sync | 同步异步模式。async表示异步,sync表示同步。如果设置成异步模式,可以允许生产者以batch的形式push数据,这样会极大的提高broker性能,推荐设置为异步。 |
serializer.class | kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder | 序列号类,.默认序列化成byte[] |
key.serializer.class | Key的序列化类,默认同上 | |
partitioner.class | kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner | Partition类,默认对key进行hash。 |
compression.codec | none | 指定producer消息的压缩格式,可选参数为: “none”, “gzip” and “snappy”。关于压缩参见4.1节 |
compressed.topics | null | 启用压缩的topic名称。若上面参数选择了一个压缩格式,那么压缩仅对本参数指定的topic有效,若本参数为空,则对所有topic有效。 |
message.send.max.retries | 3 | Producer发送失败时重试次数。若网络出现问题,可能会导致不断重试。 |
retry.backoff.ms | 100 | Before each retry, the producer refreshes the metadata of relevant topics to see if a new leader has been elected. Since leader election takes a bit of time, this property specifies the amount of time that the producer waits before refreshing the metadata |
topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms | 600 * 1000 | The producer generally refreshes the topic metadata from brokers when there is a failure (partition missing, leader not available…). It will also poll regularly (default: every 10min so 600000ms). If you set this to a negative value, metadata will only get refreshed on failure. If you set this to zero, the metadata will get refreshed after each message sent (not recommended). Important note: the refresh happen only AFTER the message is sent, so if the producer never sends a message the metadata is never refreshed |
queue.buffering.max.ms | 5000 | 启用异步模式时,producer缓存消息的时间。比如我们设置成1000时,它会缓存1秒的数据再一次发送出去,这样可以极大的增加broker吞吐量,但也会造成时效性的降低。 |
queue.buffering.max.messages | 10000 | 采用异步模式时producer buffer 队列里最大缓存的消息数量,如果超过这个数值,producer就会阻塞或者丢掉消息。 |
queue.enqueue.timeout.ms | -1 | 当达到上面参数值时producer阻塞等待的时间。如果值设置为0,buffer队列满时producer不会阻塞,消息直接被丢掉。若值设置为-1,producer会被阻塞,不会丢消息。 |
batch.num.messages | 200 | 采用异步模式时,一个batch缓存的消息数量。达到这个数量值时producer才会发送消息 |
send.buffer.bytes | 100 * 1024 | Socket write buffer size |
client.id | “” | The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace calls. It should logically identify the application making the request. |