update salary set=(case when sex='f' then 'm' else 'f' end);

select Max(t.Salary) SecondHighestSalary from Employee t where t.Salary<(select Max(b.Salary) from Employee b);

select W1.id from Weather W1,Weather W2 where W1.Temperature>W2.Temperature
and TO_DAYS(W1.RecordDate)=TO_DAYS(W2.RecordDate)+1

select t.Score,(select count(distinct t2.Score) from Scores t2 where t2.Score>=t.Score) Rank
from Scores t order by Score desc;

SET N=N-1;
# Write your MySQL query statement below.
select distinct Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit N,1
END select distinct Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit N,1

select (case
when mod(id,2)!=0 and id!=counts then id+1
when mod(id,2)!=0 and id=counts then id
else id-1 end
) id,student
from seat,(select count(*) counts from seat) seat_counts
order by id asc

select distinct t1.*
from stadium t1,stadium t2,stadium t3
where t1.people>=100 and t2.people>=100 and t3.people>=100
and ((t1.id+1=t2.id and t2.id+1=t3.id and t1.id+2=t3.id )
or (t2.id+1=t3.id and t3.id+1=t1.id and t2.id+2=t1.id)
or(t3.id+1=t1.id and t1.id+1=t2.id and t3.id+2=t2.id))
order by t1.id

select t2.Name Department, t1.Name Employee, t1.Salary
from Employee t1, Department t2
where t1.DepartmentId = t2.Id
and t1.Salary in (select max(Salary)
from Employee, Department
where Employee.DepartmentId = Department.id
group by Employee.DepartmentId)
order by t2.id

select * from Person t1 where t1.id not in(
select min(id) id from person group by Email)

select t1.name Customers
from Customers t1
where t1.id not in (select CustomerId id from Orders)

SELECT DISTINCT l1.Num FROM Logs l1, Logs l2, Logs l3
WHERE l1.Id = l2.Id - 1 AND l2.Id = l3.Id - 1
AND l1.Num = l2.Num AND l2.Num = l3.Num;

select FirstName, LastName, City, State from Person t1 left join Address t2 on t1.PersonId=t2.PersonId

select distinct t.class from courses t group by t.class having count(distinct t.student)>=5