

作者: yuan1028 | 来源:发表于2018-03-29 17:07 被阅读123次


/* Persistent state on all servers:
(Updated on stable storage before responding to RPCs)
currentTerm                   //当前任期   
votedFor                      //当前任期的候选者编号,无则为null
log[]                         //日志条目

//Volatile state on all servers,所有服务器上维护
commitIndex             //已知的最高的可被提交的日志条目的索引,初始为0
lastApplied             //当前已提交给state machine执行的条目的索引,初始为0

//Volatile state on leaders:(Reinitialized after election),只在leader节点上维护
nextIndex[]          //对于每一台服务器,下一条将要发给该服务器的条目的索引,初始为leader最后一条条目索引+1
matchIndex[]         //每一个服务器已知的最高的已复制的条目的索引,初始为0

RequestVote RPC

//Invoked by candidates to gather votes (§5.2).
term                      //候选者的term值
candidateId               //候选者的id
lastLogIndex              //候选者最新的日志索引
lastLogTerm               //候选者最新的日志所属的term

voteGranted                //true表示投票给该candidate

Receiver implementation:
1. Reply false if term < currentTerm 
2. If votedFor is null or candidateId, and candidate’s log is at least as up-to-date as receiver’s log, grant vote

AppendEntries RPC

//Invoked by leader to replicate log entries; also used as heartbeat
term                               //leader当前的term值
leaderId                           //follower在收到client request时,可以用该值转发给leader
prevLogIndex                       //上一条日志条目的索引
prevLogTerm                        //上一条日志条目的term
entries[]                          //日志条目,对于心跳包则该值为空,日志条目可以为多条
leaderCommit                       //leader服务器的commitIndex

term                          //当前任期
success                       //具体的判断如下

Receiver implementation:
1. Reply false if term < currentTerm 
2. Reply false if log doesn’t contain an entry at prevLogIndex whose term matches prevLogTerm 
// 以下均返回true
// 若日志条目已有内容与entries里的内容冲突,则删除已有及其后的条目
3. If an existing entry conflicts with a new one (same index but different terms), delete the existing entry and all that follow it 
// 将新的日志条目追加到日志中
4. Append any new entries not already in the log
5. If leaderCommit > commitIndex, set commitIndex = min(leaderCommit, index of last new entry)

InstallSnapshot RPC

//Invoked by leader to send chunks of a snapshot to a follower. Leaders always send chunks in order.
term                               //leader的当前term
leaderId                           //leader的id
lastIncludedIndex                  //该snapshot中包含的最大的日志的索引值
lastIncludedTerm                   //该snapshot中包含的最大的日志的所属的term
offset                             //用来定位shapshot文件的偏移量,snapshot文件可能很大,要分几次传,每次称之为一个chunk
data[]                             //snapshot数据,通常为state machine的当前状态     
done                               //是否为最后一个chunk

term                               //currentTerm

Receiver implementation:
1. Reply immediately if term < currentTerm
2. Create new snapshot file if first chunk (offset is 0)
3. Write data into snapshot file at given offset
4. Reply and wait for more data chunks if done is false
5. Save snapshot file, discard any existing or partial snapshot with a smaller index
// 已有的日志处理
6. If existing log entry has same index and term as snapshot’s last included entry, retain log entries following it and reply
// 丢弃老的日志
7. Discard the entire log
// 按照snapshot内容重设state machine
8. Reset state machine using snapshot contents (and load snapshot’s cluster configuration)

Rules for Servers

All Servers:
// commitIndex > lastApplied,证明lastApplied到commitIndex之间的日志条目都可以提交给state machine执行
• If commitIndex > lastApplied: increment lastApplied, apply log[lastApplied] to state machine 
// 若有新term,则更新自己的term值
• If RPC request or response contains term T > currentTerm: set currentTerm = T, convert to follower 

• Respond to RPCs from candidates and leaders
// 一段时间内,没有收到AppendEntries或者RequestVote的消息,则转变为candidate
• If election timeout elapses without receiving AppendEntries RPC from current leader or granting vote to candidate: convert to candidate

Candidates :
 • On conversion to candidate, start election:
  • Increment currentTerm
  • Vote for self
  • Reset election timer
  • Send RequestVote RPCs to all other servers
• If votes received from majority of servers: become leader
• If AppendEntries RPC received from new leader: convert to follower
• If election timeout elapses: start new election

• Upon election: send initial empty AppendEntries RPCs (heartbeat) to each server; repeat during idle periods to prevent election timeouts 
• If command received from client: append entry to local log, respond after entry applied to state machine 
//如果当前的日志条目索引比follower大(leader自身的last log index 与其nextIndex[]比较),则发送AppendEntries给相应follower
• If last log index ≥ nextIndex for a follower: send AppendEntries RPC with log entries starting at nextIndex
    • If successful: update nextIndex and matchIndex for follower 
   //若相应的nextIndex值减小到leader节点已经进行了snapshot,则leader会发送InstallSnapshot RPC
    • If AppendEntries fails because of log inconsistency: decrement nextIndex and retry 
    • If there exists an N such that N > commitIndex, a majority of matchIndex[i] ≥ N, and log[N].term == currentTerm: set commitIndex = N.


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