legitimate:合理的,适合的。可以简化成This is legit. This is a legitimate concern.
sweltering summer描述夏天很热,酷暑难耐的;sweltering summer还是押头韵的写法。
invigorating:令人振奋的 invigorating autumn:生机勃勃的秋天。
Did I butcher it?是我念错了么?
not , but 。。。 end和beginning的对比,如果句子里出现对比,语调的重点就在对比的两个词上:end和beginning。
those who hope:who要进行弱读
blow off steam发泄 rude=unexpected 突如其来、猝不及防的 熟词生义
猝不及防的狗粮: It came as a rude PDA
business as usual 回到从前
woke up with a start 猛然惊醒
there will be neither A nor B until:直到某事发生之前这里既不会…也不会…
shake :动摇,改头换面
But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice:
warm threshold:门槛 warm是形容palace of justice 很温暖的意境
rightful place与wrongful deeds呼应
guilty of:为了达到目的不择手段,会心中有愧
thirst:渴求thirsty for,同义词:long for
bitterness:苦难 hatred:仇恨