写作|Business Plan-脑洞日

写作|Business Plan-脑洞日

作者: 冥想音 | 来源:发表于2017-04-11 22:45 被阅读61次

Part One    Outline

A Plan of Volunteers Recruitment and Training for ITU XXX Cup Series


To ensure the smooth running of ITU XXX Cup Series, we are going to recruit and train volunteer managers from all walks of life and volunteers from undergraduates that cater to the positions we provide.


I. Recruitment and training of 30 volunteeer managers 

A. Advertising of voluteer managers recruitment on the official web and local newspapers  [#1]

B. Interview with applicants  [#2]

C. Basic training and elimination of unqualified applicants (10%)  [#3]

D. Formal training and division of labor on voluteer group training  [#4]

II. Recruitment and centralized training of 500 volunteers from undergraduates in Wuhan

E. Contact with administrative agencies and student unions of colleges in Wuhai  [#1]

F. Interview with applicants and recruitment  [#4]

G. Group training by volunteer managers  [#5]

H. Recce of the course map and supply areas  [#6]


Time cost:3 months, training on weekends

[#1] Feburary 15th to March 5th

[#2] March 6th

[#3] March 10th to 20th

[#4] March 21th to April 10th

[#5] April 15th to May 5th

[#6] May 10th

Money cost:¥132,000

I. Expense on working lunches: ¥50,000

II. Pay for volunteer managers: ¥20,000

III. Advertising fees on local newspapers: ¥10,000

IV. Training materials: ¥10,000

V. Volunteers' T-shirts: ¥5,000

VI. Traffic expense: ¥2,000

VII. Site use fees: ¥10,000

VIII. Commissions to employees: ¥25,000

ps. 背景知识补充:



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      本文标题:写作|Business Plan-脑洞日
