英作文7: 廚房/餐廳相關

英作文7: 廚房/餐廳相關

作者: 駝駝小欣 | 来源:发表于2019-08-28 22:52 被阅读0次


It was Betty’s first day working at the famous company as a chef the other day. She thought to herself that it had to be a pleasant day since everything looked nice in her new workplace. Feeling content, she wore a broad smile while the general manager was introducing her to other staff. Then, she was about to do her very first work: washing all ingredients in a large bowl.

Much to her astonishment, the kitchen looked much different from what she just saw outside. It was dark, smelly, and humid. She felt groggy at the first sight when she saw all the seafood which would be their food was being placed at the floor. What’s even worse was that it seemed the floor hadn’t been scrubbed for a long time since it was sticky and slippery. Little did Betty know why such a big company could be so careless to the kitchen environment. It spoke volumes about this company. The company was not as prestigious as it looked on the surface and it showed that the company gave less concern toward the staff’s healthy. Thinking about all of this while she was still processing that disgusting seafood, she spat out a few cursing words and quickly made up her mind that she could no longer be confined in this place for even a moment. She immediately chose to leave the company even if it meant that she would be jobless for a while. Betty thought much of being a staffer and the food she made, but after then, she found many places couldn’t meet her high standard about the quality of the workplace, so she decided to do it on her own! She established a small restaurant named “Betty Pasta” at the city, and it was noted for many people who loved pasta now!


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      本文标题:英作文7: 廚房/餐廳相關
