Hi readers, today I wanted to share a little bit more educational videos and how impactful it will be for the coming generation. As you know, each student (learner) has their own learning styles & habits. For those who are visual learners like myself, I’m able to absorb and learn by visual context (especially if it’s moving).
How did I find that out about myself? I realize that during my school years, I was someone who loved to watch movies, documentaries that were played in school. Furthermore, I spend lots of time watching youtube channels in order to best comprehend material that I previously could not understand in words. This was my learning style.
The advancement of today’s Internet has certainly helped a lot as video channels started to pop up by different content providers from National Geographic, TED and many many more (see below for examples). The realization that content providers are actually able to gain more insights by collecting data from people rather than developing new content goes to show that our world is certainly becoming more user-centric. This means that in the future, we'll definitely be utilizing videos not just as a one way tool, rather it's a feedback loop to tell us what students are interested in and how we can cater content for them...curious thought?
Here’s some interesting sites and brief description for you to gain new content:
About Channel- TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of TED-Ed animations, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed website.
About Channel- Videos, explaining things. Like evolution, time, space, global energy or our existence in this strange universe. Kurzgesagt is a team of designers, journalists and musicians who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful.
About Channel- Tons of awesome courses in one awesome channel! Nicole Sweeney teaches you sociology, Carrie Anne Philbin teaches you computer science, Craig Benzine teaches film history, and Mike Rugnetta is teaching mythology! Check out the playlists for past courses in physics, philosophy, games, economics, U.S. government and politics, astronomy, anatomy & physiology, world history, biology, literature, eco.
About Channel- We live in a world of too much information and too little context. Too much noise and too little insight. And so Vox's journalists candidly shepherd audiences through politics and policy, business and pop culture, food, science, and everything else that matters.
Lastly, how would you use them if you were educating students? This kind of seeps into blended learning or the flipped classroom model as most of these videos are self explanatory as they provide students with general knowledge about the topics and facts at hand. However, an educator should dig deeper into the subject matter by providing students with interactive assignments and team based approaches to learn the content more fluently. An example of how to do this in a classroom is by setting up station rotation models whereby students are divided into stations, one focused on video watching and questions, one focused on small group discussions and one on projects. If you decide that time is too tight, assign the videos as their mandatory take-home class and design project assignments in class where students have to complete tasks or in depth projects (using videos as a reference source) to complete them.

For more information about the top educational channels on youtube, please visit: https://blog.feedspot.com/educational_youtube_channels/
Also, there is a method for downloading these youtube videos if they're not encrypted, by inputting the youtube link into: https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/video-converter and download it to mp4 or avi version.
Finally, you can also clip long documentary videos by using cropping tools such as ytCropper: https://ytcropper.com
Also, if you’re interested in learning more about how education videos can change your classroom, please get in touch with me!