

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-01-10 16:51 被阅读17次

    title: imperative
    date: 2019-01-10 16:38:27
    NO_sents: 292
    NO_references: 139


    • In order to realize personalized medicine using pharmacology, it is imperative to understand whether genetic variation contributes to drug responses in a sex-specific manner, not only for drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters but also for drug targets. (Khramtsova, Davis, Stranger, 2018)
    • The question is, however, if capturing this phenomenon is imperative, i.e., if it is actually biologically relevant and if ignoring it by applying the Brain and Cousens model [9] makes a difference. (Belz, Piepho, 2012)
    • It is imperative to know whether there exists a significant association between a specific SNP and a complex trait and how a significant SNP triggers an additive, dominant, or imprinting effect on the trait. (Li et al., 2011)
    • If the data from the experiment are to be regarded as having originated from a G鐠�, Aitken, or general linear model and if the quantities of interest are to be formulated as parametric functions of the form 0 (as is common practice), then it is imperative that every one of the relevant functions be estimable. (Harville, 2018)
    • Even so, it will still be imperative to properly estimate or tune hyperparameter specifications in these analyses as well, although haplotype-based inference should lead to greater success with stable hyperparameter inference than what has been attained up until now. (Tempelman, 2015)
    • From the perspective of both global and local conservation value and irreplaceability, it is imperative that we actively restore functional examples of this legacy of our natural heritage, while sustaining the full array of biota characteristic of these systems. (Kabrick et al., 2007)
    • Disease trait categorization was imperative because of extremely low disease incidences for some specific diseases. (Naderi et al., 2018)
    • Furthermore, it is imperative that good marker sets with high exclusion power are available. (Trong et al., 2013)
    • This characteristic is unique in the world and for that reason it is a national imperative to preserve 'this heritage' at all cost. (Murovec, Bohanec, 2012)
    • The imperative for large sample sizes is increased further in high-density association scans by the inherent increase in number of hypotheses tested and the type 1 error that this generates. (Valentin et al., 2007)
    • Hence there is a strong imperative to dissect the genetics controlling important wood quality traits in Norway spruce. (Baison et al., 2018)
    • In order to combine fast growth and desirable wood properties through breeding, and to shorten the breeding cycle, it is therefore imperative to design effective early selection methods and breeding strategies. (Baison et al., 2018)
    • Although the complexity of the interactions within the microbiome and between microbes and hosts presents a major challenge, a more concerted and predictive theoretical framework is imperative to progress 100. (Davenport et al., 2017)
    • Those who advocate multiple comparison adjustments argue that the control for false-positives is imperative, and any study that collects information on a large number of outcomes has a high probability of producing a wild goose chase and thereby consuming resources. (Feise, 2002)
    • It is imperative to have a good understanding of the pattern and control of gene expression and the physiology of a biological system if we are going to construct a model to assess the capabilities of such Genetic landscape of complex traits 35 system 49. (Wang et al., 2014)
    • Given that more pine plantations are going to be established with clonal loblolly pine seedlings, it is imperative to compare the growth and wood properties of clonally propagated loblolly pine with full-sib and open-pollinated seedlings. (Antony et al., 2014)
    • Traduit par Ia revue Introduction When a tree-breeding programme proceeds beyond the first generation, early selection becomes a practical imperative. (Burdon, 1989)
    • To improve wood density in a practical selection and breeding program, early selection for wood density is imperative because of the long generation interval of coniferous species. (Li, Wu, 2005)
    • Therefore, it is imperative that tree improvement programs possess reliable information regarding the genetic control and relationships among growth and yield attributes, as well as the equally important wood quality traits (Goggans 1964). (Ukrainetz et al., 2008)
    • Given that Douglas-fir is harvested primarily for lumber production, it is imperative that the inheritance and relationships among important wood quality traits, such as wood density, microfibril angle, and volume, as well as fibre and wood chemistry characteristics, are understood to predict and to avoid undesirable correlated changes that may result from selective breeding for individual traits, and to maintain tree health and wood quality for future markets and reforestation efforts. (Ukrainetz et al., 2008)
    • It is imperative to deposit into a reference collection all specimens used in generating molecular data. (Amato et al., 2009)



