卸载xcode,从AppStore 上下一个最新的,可能原因是安装了beat 版本,把这个功能给弄掉了。
打开XCode 配置成如图 再到项目代码处右击show blame for line就可以看到代码是哪个队友写的啦
什么是 Xcode Command Line Tools Xcode Command Line Tools 是一...
No write since last change (add ! to override):
安利 Xcode 一个功能,如果想看一个方法是谁写的,可以右键方法名,点击 Show Blame for Line...
How to show line number?编辑时碰到的问题,想要看到line numberXcode -> ...
Section: 21 The Command Line ls ---show all the files in ...
Step 1: Open the file Step 2: Change a line of code, from...
Traceback (most recent call last):File “”, line 1, inFile...
In the last post, I shared an example to show you how to ...
本文标题:Xcode show last change for line