

作者: Dosen | 来源:发表于2016-07-26 23:47 被阅读24次


    这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。

    Iterators      迭代器

    Iterators are an easy way to minimize repetitive patches that do the same thing. They are similar to loops in programming. A common reason to use Iterators is to display many of the same Layers, with different attributes (e.g. a News Feed). This way if you update one Layer you update all of them at the same time — it will make your prototyping much faster.


    Using Current Index to build repeating layouts  使用当前的索引建立重复的布局

    The foundation of working with Iterators is to using the Current Index value from Iterator Info. Lets say you have an Iterator with a count of 10. Iterator basically clones all the contents 10 times, and for each clone it provides a different index from Iterator Info (where the first clone has an index of 0, second clone has an index of 1, and so on until the 10th item with an index of 9).

    使用迭代器工作的框架是使用Iterator Info里当前的索引值。比方说你有一个迭代10次的迭代器,迭代器克隆所有包含的内容10次,每个克隆都提供一个Iterator Info里的不同的索引(第一个克隆的索引是0),第二个是1,直到最后一个索引是9。

    In practice, one of the most common modifications to Current Index is multiplying it by an offset to place stack items horizontally or vertically. For example, if you were prototyping the Instagram feed, where each feed item is about the same height (let's say 850px for a 750px image and 100px for padding and author and caption), we would connect a Math patch to Current Index, set to multiply by -850px (to repeat downwards), and plug that into the Y Position of the Layer patch rendering the feed item. This is what that might look like inside an Iterator:

    事实上,当前索引的一个最常见的修改是乘以一个偏移值,使一些东西可以水平的或垂直的摆放成一列或一排。举例:如果你在做一个图片分享的排序,每一个单元都是同样的高度(比如说是850px,一个750px的图,并且和作者标题间有100px的间距),我们会给当前索引连接一个数学模块,设置乘以-850px(重复向下),并且把它插入层模块的Y Position来渲染排序的单元。这是在一个迭代器里看起来会是什么样的。

    Using Current Index to have dynamic content      使用当前索引创建动态内容

    Current Index is also very useful to handle displaying dynamic content from a structure.


    Let's say we have a list of friends. For each friend you want to have a different name. In an Iterator, you cannot manually input the text for each Text Layer. However, if you create a structure of names outside the Iterator (With Structure Creator set to String), you can pass in that structure of names and use Structure Index Member with Current Index to get each name for each index.

    加入我们有一个朋友列表。每个朋友你想有不同的名字。在一个迭代器里,你不能手动地为每一个文字层输入文字。然而,如果你创建在迭代器的外面创建一个名字的结构体(把Structure Creator设置为字符串类型),你可以通过名字的结构体,并且使用Structure Index Member和当前索引来获取到每个索引对应的名字。

    Challenges with Iterators      

    There are several caveats with Iterators that can be limiting, and one crash-inducing issue. However, iterators are helpful enough to justify their use even with these issues.


    Changing the Iteration count may cause a crash     改变迭代器数量可能引发崩溃

    If an Iterator has a Layer patch within, and you change the Iterator count while the composition is running, it will most likely crash. This is due to a bug with a patch called Feedback inside Layers, which helps snap layers to pixels and is difficult to fix at the moment.


    Solution: Stop the composition before changing the Iterator count. If you wish to have a dynamic Iterator count (e.g. an interaction will cause new items to be displayed in a News Feed), set the count to the highest it can be, and use Conditionals inside the Iterator to hide the inactive Layers based on the index.


    Only the last iteration values are visible in the editor     在编辑器中只有最后迭代的值是被显示的

    Following the patch values in your composition is useful to help debug a problem. However, Iterators only show the values for the last iteration (e.g. if you have 10 iterations, it only shows the values for the 10th one). There isn't a real workaround for this, except changing the Iteration count or setting a Max on the index.


    Passing values out of Iterators is difficult     把值传递出迭代器是困难的

    There are two different methods depending on if your Iterator has a blue consumer patch or not:


    No consumer patch inside    迭代器里没有蓝色模块

    Lets say you want to pass a number out of an Iterator. If you publish it (right click the patch and select an output to publish), how does the Iterator know which value to pass out? The answer is to pass all of the values out as a structure and pick the one you want from within.


    To create a structure of the values within the Iterator, we can use the Queue patch, which works very well with Iterators if the Queue size is the same as the Iterator count. Simply enable Filling, and pass in the value you want to store. Then publish the Queue's output structure. Now you can access the value you want outside of the Iterator with a Structure Index Member .

    用迭代器的值创建一个结构体,我们可以使用Queue模块,如果Queue的大小和迭代器次数一样的话,它和迭代器一起非常好用。只需要启用填充,并且进入你想要储存的值,然后公开Queue输出的结构体。现在你可以使用一个Structure Index Member访问这个你想要在迭代器外面的值。

    For example, if we wish to pass out the Y Position values we calculated when laying out the example Instagram feed at the top of this page, we would take the output of that Math patch and fill it into a Queue, and then publish it by right clicking on the patch and selecting the queue port, or hovering on the queue output and hittingP:


    Then, from the outside of the iterator, access any member within the queue, or pass it to another iterator for more processing.


    Consumer patches inside    迭代器里有蓝色模块

    Due to the QC limitation that blue consumer patches cannot have any outputs, you have to use a Wireless Broadcaster to pass any values out. The Wireless Broadcaster doesn't work 100% properly in an Iterator (only passes the last index) and will require a workaround before it can pass out a value from a specific index that is not the last one.


    The basic concept of the workaround is to only enable the Wireless Broadcaster for the index that you want to pass a value out of. Wireless Broadcasters have a hidden Enable port that you can use by right-clicking and inserting an input splitter for Enable. This is an example where we want the value for the 6th iteration (index 5), after inserting the input splitter for Enable:


    You can also combine Wireless Broadcaster with the Queue implementation above.

    你也可以用Wireless Broadcaster结合Queue实现上面展示的。



