

作者: 觉醒破执 | 来源:发表于2018-04-02 08:57 被阅读543次





人  生


“Life” is the term used to describe the process and journey of a human life. As human beings, every one of us has his/her own unique life path and course. Life brings us many surprises and splendors, but if we fail to appreciate them, we will miss out on experiencing the different courses of life. It is only when we accord due diligence in realizing the full insights of our lives that we accumulate more experience and heighten our wisdom. This is because during our life journey, we take in many experiences that are part and parcel of our growth process.

存  在


The emergence of human beings is an expression of the universe’s own developmental needs. Based on the universe’s continuing upward development and improvement, and at different time frames, the universe will have different demands on life. The Creators will bestow those needs at different levels upon the various categories of lives, enabling them to shoulder their responsibilities and carry out the mission of helping the universe to continue with its development and progress. In the universe, the emergence of human beings can be described as an iconic representation of the New Life Species because human beings have been endowed with many capabilities by the Creators. These capabilities let human lives generate great value in the universe and also allow the human worlds to develop rapidly.

意  义


Human existence in the universe is of great significance. Human life offers us an opportunity to accentuate our worth during our life journey. If we do not realize these truths, we will not value and be conscious of our lives, and naturally fail to understand the meaning of life. This type of life journey will definitely be bleak. Only those who understood these truths will get to know the meaning of his/her own existence and be clear in his/her own life direction. Such life will be a wonderful and splendid one. We live in a vast universe and have come here with a very unusual mission, so we cannot continue to live our lives and exist without any worthiness and significance. We must create and add value to our life journey and permit ourselves to live more meaningfully.

抉  择


Life represents a person’s trials and endeavours in his/her entire life journey. In everyone’s life, each will face two different sets of choices in his/her development direction and these directions will lead a person to a completely different life path. If a life direction is chosen correctly, it will grant that person a better life, and progressively towards a meaningful and worthy existence too. However, if a wrong direction of life is made instead, it will see that person vanish gradually in his/her painful journey. How to choose your own life direction is an important topic for all of you. Hopefully all fellow relatives will monitor your life direction and make the correct life choice, allowing us to gush out even more powerful energy in this universe, thus leaving a glorious chapter behind us in the entire development journey of this universe.


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