Database 1. Basic Database Conce

Database 1. Basic Database Conce

作者: DiscoSOS | 来源:发表于2017-10-04 22:26 被阅读0次

What is a database?

  • A database is a way of storing information in a structured, logical way.

  • Database Models: 'Relational Model'
    -- Databases consist of tables, which are linked
    -- Each table has a name
    -- column, row

Relational Model: attribute, tuple

  • Attribute, attribute types
    -- 'null' value
    --constraints, for example, student number is not null, every student must have one

  • Tables
    -- an individual cell in a table --> one piece of data
    -- each row has the same number and type of columns
    -- each row must be unique(no duplicate rows)

Primary Keys

  • A primary key is an attribute in a table which can be used to uniquely identify each row
    -- you have only one primary key in a table
    -- each table will normally have several potential primary keys which is called candidate keys

Database Schema

  • a description of the columns in a table can be called the table schema
    *example: Table(col,col,col...) Table(col,col,...)
    E.g. Student(studentNumber, name, address, DOB)
  • Tables can be empty(no rows of data), but must have a schema

SQL = Structured Query Language

  • Relational databases use SQL(structured query language) to get this information
  • A standard language for accessing and manipulating information in relational databases
  • The language consists of SQL commands
  • SQL is an ANSI(American National Standards Institute) Standard, but there are slightly different versions(flavours)

SQL Flavours

  • most implementations do not implement the entire standard
  • but they all implement the basics
  • Common Flavours:
    Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MSQL(Microsoft), Microsoft Access



      本文标题:Database 1. Basic Database Conce
