The Lord's Song(Bhagavad Gītā)
1. Why should one study the Lord's song?
The Lord's song basically deals with the science of life and living sensibly in the world.It analyses the miseries of human life as traceable to the faulty understanding of the concept of "Dharma" and hence involvement in evil actions which usher in sorrow.
2.Who is its author?
Bhagavan Vedayasa is its author.
全知全能的维达亚萨是它的作者。(亦称Sage Vyasa,圣人维亚萨 ,季译:毗耶娑)
3.Who is Bhagavan Vedayasa?
Bhagavan Vedayasa is Lord sri Viṣṇu,Himself.He took this manifestation to educate humanity in the correct concept of "Dharma",so that it may observe the same,during its life in the world and work for liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.
4.How did He knows as to what happened in the battle field?(Kuruksetra)
Since He is none other than,himself,He narrates what He in the form as Krsna told Arjuna in the battle field.
5.Is it ever possible to give a discourse,so long,in the battle field?
We should understand that the discourse giver is Lord Sri Krisna,who is referred to as Hrsikesa. He controls the activities of all ,at all times and hence it is not inconceivable that He could give the discourse as long as He desires. Humanity cannot act without His direction.
我们应该明白,话语的给予者是至尊无上的主 克里希纳,他被称为克利希凯撒(Hrsikesa中 Hrsika的意思是根(源头), isa的意思 Lord,至尊神,上帝)。他在任何时候都控制着所有人的活动,因此,只要他愿意,他就可以发表演说,这并不是不可思议的。没有他的指引,人类无法行动。(这段话这样理解:因为至尊神的是一切的源头,只要他愿意,他的演说并存在时间的阻滞。也可以理解为克利希那的演说属于头脑中的灵光一现,头脑里的思想瞬息万变。)
6.If so ,Why did He not prevent the battle?
The Lord has given every opportunity to Duryodhana to live in peace with pandavas. But the greed of Duryodhana would not allow him even to part with a needle point of space for the Pandavas .And hence the option of war to contain evil was taken.
注: Duryodhana 意思是"非常努力地战斗",季译:难敌,此处音译为岛妖达纳,是瞎子国王(Dhritarashtra 季译:持国)与皇后甘陀利(Gandhari)的长子,作为库鲁王国的太子居于首都哈斯蒂纳普(Hastinapur,季译:象城)与其他99个兄弟合称Kaurava族(考拉瓦族,季译:俱卢族)。
般度五子与黑公主7.Is not war evil?
Indiscriminate war is evil doubtless.But war to unhold "Ddarma" is not evil. It is necessary to establish orderliness in the Universe
8.Why did Arjuna,who was fought many battles earlier suddenly refuse to fight?
It is because misplaced compassion entered in to him at the nick of time .He mistook that his annihilation of relatives who are wedded to evil,will land him in sin.
9.How do you say that killing is not sin.
Indiscriminate killing is doubtless sin ,but to contain evil is a duty. In that act ,if killing is necessary ,then such killing does not usher in sin.
10.What is Viṣāda?
It is misery born out of attachment .It causes confusion in the thought as to right and wrong.
注:Viṣāda在印度教中指绝望,代表了一种adhyatmika痛苦的精神状态,根据visnu-Purana 6.5.1-6所说,“智者研究了世间的三种痛苦,获得了真正的智慧,脱离了肉体的桎梏,就得到了最终的解脱。”这三种痛苦即adhyatmika、adhibhauika、adhidavika。
11.Who is an Ātatāyin?
An Ātatāyin is a murderer,who commits wilful crimes and holds society to ransom.
12. How to deal with such people?
The scripture tells us that such people have to be dealt with summarily,for to vacillate in their case,would endanger,the well–being of society。
13 What was the doubt in the mind of Arjuna,which prevented him from engaging himself in the fight?
Arjuna desired the Lord to teach him as to how the killing of his relatives will ensure the happiness of pandavas.
14.What are the evil effects the war?
War lets loose misery alround .Too many people loose their lives and that will leave behind a number of dependents.It will also result in confusion in society.
15.What constitutes stability in society?
A well-knit family is the basic unit of the Nation.If the members of this family are deprived of the bread winner confusion will be the result.
16.What was really troubling Arjuna?
Arjuna has fought many wars in defence of "Dharma". but now he vacillates because the relatives are involved.In other words ,he projects an understanding that killing of evil relatives is a sin .That is the confusion.
17.How did the Lord set about clearing the doubts of Arjuna?
Arjuna sat in the chariot willing to be killed by his opponents.The Lord explained to him that his action was unbecoming of a warrior ,who owesa duty to society,to protect it from evil persons.
18.What further objections did Arjuna raise?
Arjuna desired the Lord to explain to him ,how he would be justified in killing such venerable persons as Bhisma and Drona.
19.What was the Lord's explanation?
The Lord wanted Arjuna to banish his faint heartedness to start with and understand the position of scriptures clearly.
20.How does Arjuna approach the Lord for the answers?
Arjuna explains that he has confusion with respect to the correct understanding of dharma in such situations.And hence ,he pleads with the Lord to teach him the true position ,as a teacher would do ,for the sake of his disciple ,who has taken refuge in him.
21.What did the Lord do ?
The Lord smiled and acted to clear the position scripturally.
22.What was the explanation given?
The Lord xplained to Arjuna that wise people do not grieve for those about to die,as they do not grieve for those living.