懂你 L4-U1-1-Dialogue

懂你 L4-U1-1-Dialogue

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-08-23 20:32 被阅读25次

流利说 D57 2018-08-23 四



  • Vocabulary-"Landforms[地貌]"-D56-18/08/22+1



  • Dialogue-"Eating Out"

1、She went there two weeks ago and the service was terrible.

2、He hasn't eaten[吃过] Indian food for a long time.

3、She'll pay the bill if they have to wait.

4、Ah, so you mean I'm going to pay.

5、I hope you're right.

6、She's hungry because she hasn't eaten yet.

7、If we get there early enough, we won't need them.


  • F:No, I haven't, and I'm hungry.
  • F: Where to?
  • F: How many times have you eaten there?
  • F: I went there two weeks ago and the service was terrible.
  • F: How about the Royal Indian? It's not far from here.
  • F: Yes, I'm been there several times, and I've never been disappointed.
  • F: You won't be disappointed, and the prices are reasonable.
  • F: Well, that would certainly be nice.
  • F: If we get there early enough, we won't need them.
  • F: Don't worry. If we have to wait, I'll pay the bill.


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      本文标题:懂你 L4-U1-1-Dialogue
