Diary 2019.4.13

Diary 2019.4.13

作者: 吴说创业 | 来源:发表于2019-05-14 00:38 被阅读0次

    原创: 一清  信你所爱  今天

    It usually happens that when I was thinking the work stuff was almost done by the end of the day, however it turns out a sudden things would occur which is unexpected.

    This afternoon when I was wondering if I could do some aerobic exercises when finishing the daily stuff, one of my customers from France sent me an email asking for some information about importing products from us. It is related to the taxes and VAT of their local customs.

    Immediately I got excited but also hopeless.

    Excited is that the questions I never met, actually it happened few days ago and you know, the taxes and VAT is something defined by the destination country customs not the supplier, of course we’re saying under foreign trade business. So by facing this means that I have to challenge myself.

    Hopeless is that I don’t even know how to answer that call, for whom will give me money, give me dollars!!

    So let’s just jump to the conclusion, I took about two hours and a half to search for the relevant information on internet. And it literally went well, although two hours and a half we just cannot say that would be a short time, especially with no energy in my stomach and smoking too much in the office all by myself, all alone.

    Additionally I want to thank that everyone who are so warm-hearted and far more professional than me to give me so much support and suggestions. I really really appreciate. I am thinking someday I’ll give someone who just like me soooo much support and suggestions.

    When I was back home, my parents and little nephew still didn’t have lunch, as they were waiting for me back. I got a little bit numb along with the sort of boring and routine stuff. But I do know that is truly loving.




          本文标题:Diary 2019.4.13
