emqx_ctl admins passwd admin yourpassword

Usage: emqx ctl
status # Show broker status
broker # Show broker version, uptime and description
broker stats # Show broker statistics of clients, topics, subscribers
broker metrics # Show broker metrics
cluster join <Node> # Join the cluster
cluster leave # Leave the cluster
cluster force-leave <Node> # Force the node leave from cluster
cluster status [--json] # Cluster status
clients list # List all clients
clients show <ClientId> # Show a client
clients kick <ClientId> # Kick out a client
topics list # List all topics
topics show <Topic> # Show a topic
subscriptions list # List all subscriptions
subscriptions show <ClientId> # Show subscriptions of a client
subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS> # Add a static subscription manually
subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic> # Delete a static subscription manually
plugins <command> [Name-Vsn] # e.g. 'start emqx_plugin_template-5.0-rc.1'
plugins list # List all installed plugins
plugins describe Name-Vsn # Describe an installed plugins
plugins install Name-Vsn # Install a plugin package placed
# in plugin'sinstall_dir
plugins uninstall Name-Vsn # Uninstall a plugin. NOTE: it deletes
# all files in install_dir/Name-Vsn
plugins start Name-Vsn # Start a plugin
plugins stop Name-Vsn # Stop a plugin
plugins restart Name-Vsn # Stop then start a plugin
plugins disable Name-Vsn # Disable auto-boot
plugins enable Name-Vsn [Position] # Enable auto-boot at Position in the boot list, where Position could be
# 'front', 'rear', or 'before Other-Vsn' to specify a relative position.
# The Position parameter can be used to adjust the boot order.
# If no Position is given, an already configured plugin
# will stay at is old position; a newly plugin is appended to the rear
# e.g. plugins disable foo-0.1.0 front
# plugins enable bar-0.2.0 before foo-0.1.0
vm all # Show info of Erlang VM
vm load # Show load of Erlang VM
vm memory # Show memory of Erlang VM
vm process # Show process of Erlang VM
vm io # Show IO of Erlang VM
vm ports # Show Ports of Erlang VM
mnesia # Mnesia system info
log set-level <Level> # Set the overall log level
log primary-level # Show the primary log level now
log primary-level <Level> # Set the primary log level
log handlers list # Show log handlers
log handlers start <HandlerId> # Start a log handler
log handlers stop <HandlerId> # Stop a log handler
log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level> # Set log level of a log handler
trace list # List all traces started on local node
trace start client <ClientId> <File> [<Level>] # Traces for a client on local node
trace stop client <ClientId> # Stop tracing for a client on local node
trace start topic <Topic> <File> [<Level>] # Traces for a topic on local node
trace stop topic <Topic> # Stop tracing for a topic on local node
trace start ip_address <IP> <File> [<Level>] # Traces for a client ip on local node
trace stop ip_address <IP> # Stop tracing for a client ip on local node
traces list # List all cluster traces started
traces start <Name> client <ClientId> [<Duration>] # Traces for a client in cluster
traces start <Name> topic <Topic> [<Duration>] # Traces for a topic in cluster
traces start <Name> ip_address <IPAddr> [<Duration>] # Traces for a client IP in cluster
# Trace will start immediately on all nodes, including the core and replicant,
# and will end after <Duration> seconds. The default value for <Duration> is 1800 seconds.
traces stop <Name> # Stop trace in cluster
traces delete <Name> # Delete trace in cluster
listeners # List listeners
listeners stop <Identifier> # Stop a listener
listeners start <Identifier> # Start a listener
listeners restart <Identifier> # Restart a listener
authz cache-clean all # Clears authorization cache on all nodes
authz cache-clean node <Node> # Clears authorization cache on given node
authz cache-clean <ClientId> # Clears authorization cache for given client
pem_cache clean all # Clears x509 certificate cache on all nodes
pem_cache clean node <Node> # Clears x509 certificate cache on given node
olp status # Return OLP status if system is overloaded
olp enable # Enable overload protection
olp disable # Disable overload protection
data import <File> # Import data from the specified tar archive file
data export # Export data
observer status # Start observer in the current console
observer bin_leak # Force all processes to perform garbage collection and prints the top-100 processes that freed the biggest amount of binaries, potentially highlighting leaks.
observer load Mod # Ensure a module is loaded in all EMQX nodes in the cluster
conf reload --replace|--merge # reload etc/emqx.conf on local node
# The new configuration values will be overlaid on the existing values by default.
# use the --replace flag to replace existing values with the new ones instead.
---------------------------------- # ------------
conf show_keys # print all the currently used configuration keys.
conf show [<key>] # Print in-use configs (including default values) under the given key.
# Print ALL keys if key is not provided
conf load --replace|--merge <path> # Load a HOCON format config file.
# The new configuration values will be overlaid on the existing values by default.
# use the --replace flag to replace existing values with the new ones instead.
# The current node will initiate a cluster wide config change
# transaction to sync the changes to other nodes in the cluster.
# NOTE: do not make runtime config changes during rolling upgrade.
---------------------------------- # ------------
conf cluster_sync status # Show cluster config sync status summary
conf cluster_sync skip [node] # Increase one commit on specific node
conf cluster_sync tnxid <TnxId> # Display detailed information of the config change transaction at TnxId
conf cluster_sync fast_forward [node] [tnx_id] # Fast-forward config change transaction to tnx_id on the given node.WARNING: This results in inconsistent configs among the clustered nodes.
retainer info # Show the count of retained messages
retainer topics # Show all topics of retained messages
retainer clean # Clean all retained messages
retainer clean <Topic> # Clean retained messages by the specified topic filter
retainer reindex status # Show reindex status
retainer reindex start [force] # Generate new retainer topic indices from config settings.
# Pass true as <Force> to ignore previously started reindexing
admins add <Username> <Password> <Description> # Add dashboard user
admins passwd <Username> <Password> # Reset dashboard user password
admins del <Username> # Delete dashboard user
gateway list # List all gateway
gateway lookup <Name> # Lookup a gateway detailed information
gateway load <Name> <JsonConf> # Load a gateway with config
gateway unload <Name> # Unload the gateway
gateway stop <Name> # Stop the gateway
gateway start <Name> # Start the gateway
gateway-registry list # List all registered gateways
gateway-clients list <Name> # List all clients for a gateway
gateway-clients lookup <Name> <ClientId> # Lookup the Client Info for specified client
gateway-clients kick <Name> <ClientId> # Kick out a client
gateway-metrics <Name> # List all metrics for a gateway
rules list # List rules
rules show <RuleID> # Show a rule