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PyPI - 如何打包Python代码为PIP包

PyPI - 如何打包Python代码为PIP包

作者: 红薯爱帅 | 来源:发表于2019-06-07 20:18 被阅读0次

1. 前言

Python Package,在实际项目中应用广泛,包含Public Package和Private Package。它有助于我们对代码进行功能封装,使得软件更加结构化、有序化、层次化。主要有几个应用场景:

  • 微服务架构下,底层的Core Module,例如
    • notification_client,可以支持多种通知方式,方便快捷
    • passport_client,大部分portal服务需要的认证client,一改全改,便于维护
    • payment_client,封装对多种支付方式的支持,例如alipay、wechat等,基本不变动
  • Saas的Python SDK,pip install后即可使用

2. 如何打包Python Package

2.1. Creating the package files


2.2. Generating distribution archives

  • make sure you have the latest versions of setuptools and wheel installed
$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
  • run this command from the same directory where setup.py is located, and will generate two files in the dist directory
$ python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
$ tree dist/
├── example_pkg_shuzhang-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
├── example-pkg-shuzhang-0.0.1.tar.gz
├── example_pkg_shuzhang-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
└── example-pkg-shuzhang-0.0.2.tar.gz

0 directories, 4 files

2.3. Uploading the distribution archives

  • install twine for uploading the packages
$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
  • run Twine to upload all of the archives under dist, 3 examples as below
$ python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
$ python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
$ twine upload dist/*

2.4. Just do some tests

  • install package using pip
$ python3 -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/
$ pip install package-name==0.0.2
  • just enjoy it
>>> import example_pkg
>>> example_pkg.name

3. Reference



    本文标题:PyPI - 如何打包Python代码为PIP包
