

作者: 醉兮语 | 来源:发表于2023-12-18 09:10 被阅读0次

1)I left my computer on the train to Shanghai the other day ,because of this, I have been worried  for days.

Fortunately  the policemen  have been  helping me look for it all the time.

I also expected my computer to be found.

a few days later  I had a letter from the local police .

In the letter I was  asked to call at the station and took my computer home.

on arriving at the station, a smiling policewoman walked towards me.

' what can I do for you?' she asked

'The policemen told me that my  computer which I lost before had been found.' I answered.

'Yes, the computer was picked up in a restaurant two hundred miles  away , but it is now being sent to your home by car '' 

I was amused,because I was wanted by the police and now told me again that I can stay at home  and  received my computer!

when I walked out of the station, it began to snow heavily.


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