
作者: 倪志青shoney | 来源:发表于2020-05-07 22:42 被阅读0次

    最近前浪后浪踏浪络绎不绝,bilibili 的广告篇掀起了各种声浪。


    ARTWOCA编编:来听听Patti Smith 的advice to the young……

    A writer, or any artist can’t expect to be embraced by the people。You know I’vedone records where it seems like no one listen to them。You write poetry books that maybe fifty people read, and you justkeep doing your work because you have to, because it’s your calling. But it’sbeautiful to be embraced by the people…. One does their work for the people, andthe more people you can touch the more wonderful it is. You want everyone to betransported or hopefully inspired by it.

    When I was really young, I was really struggling we never had any money,William Boros gave me the advice: build a good name,and keep yourname clean. Don’t make compromises. Don’t worry about making a bunch of moneyor being successful. Be concerned withdoing good work. And make the right choices and protect your work. And if youbuild a good name eventually you know that name would be its own currency.

    To be a artist actually to be a human beingin the this times is all difficult. You have to go through life hopefully, youknow trying to stay healthy, being as happy as you can and pursuing you know doingwhat you want. If what you want is to have children. If what you

    Want is to be a bigger,if what you want is to live out in the woods or try to save the environment. Or maybe what you want is to write scripts for detective shows. It doesn’t really matter, what matters is to know what you want and pursue it and understand that it’s gonna be hard. Because life is really difficult. You are gonna lose people you love, you are gonna suffer heartbreak. Sometimes you will be sick sometimes you will have a really bad toothache, sometimes you will be hungry。But on the other hand, you will have the most beautiful experiences, sometimes just the sky,sometimes a piece of work that you do that feel so wonderful,or youfind somebody to love or your children. There are beautiful things in lives, sowhen you are suffering just you know it’s part of the package. You look at itwe are born and we also have to die we know that. So it make sense that we aregonna be really happy and things are gonna be really fucked up too. Just ridewith like a roller coaster ride, it’s never gonna be perfect. It’s gonna haveperfect moments and rough spots but it’s all worth it. Believe me I think itis.

    I’am sure that each generation could saythat their time was the best and the worst of times, but I think that right now,we are at something different that I’ve never seen, it’s a pioneering time because  there’s no other time in history like right now,because technology has really democratized self expression……everyonehas the access and the access they’ve never had before, there is possibilityfor globle striking ……..

    So stay strong, try to stay to have fun,but stay clean and stay healthy. because you know you have a lot of challengeahead, and be happy.











