2019年1月21日,以太币交易总额为1,838,015 ETH ,比1月20日上涨8.35%;日活跃用户量143,416,增加8.57%;新增合约12,582个,减少50.05%;平均交易费用为13.50 GWEI,增加9.19%;最活跃合约为 POWER CANDY (POC);通证代币交易总额为374,559个,上涨2.82%。
Sindri Stefansson 去年因参与冰岛最大的比特币盗窃案被捕,该案件涉及价值超过 200 万美元的比特币挖矿工具被盗,其犯罪手法让警察困惑不已。然而,Sindri Stefansson曾一度因越狱成功登上头条。上周 Sindri 再度被捕并获刑4年半,其盗窃团伙也获刑。
Mastermind Who Planned Iceland’s Biggest Bitcoin Heist Jailed again for 4.5 Years
Last year, Sindri Stefansson was arrested for his part in what has been described as the biggest heist Iceland has seen – over $2 million worth of Bitcoin mining equipment stolen in an operation that left police baffled. While he managed to escape the jail cell once hit headlines then. He has now been jailed again last week for four and a half years along with his team of thieves.
Roger Ver:虚假社交媒体账户冒用我的名字诈骗 600 多万美元
Bitcoin.com 首席执行官、比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash)的主要支持者罗杰·弗(Roger Ver)声明道,挂着他的个人信息的虚假社交媒体账户诈骗了线上用户 600 万美元的加密货币。
Roger Ver: Fake social media accounts using my name have scammed over $6 million
Roger Ver, the CEO of Bitcoin.com and a major proponent of Bitcoin Cash [BCH], stated that fake social media accounts using his details have been used to scam online users of $6 million in cryptocurrency.
国际清算银行(BIS) 1月21日发布的研究报告显示,比特币的问题只有通过摆脱工作量证明(PoW)机制才能解决。该报告指出,当未来比特币的区块奖励降至零的时候——考虑到新比特币的生成数量有限——单凭交易费用将不足以支撑挖矿费用。该研究进一步指出,虽然像闪电网络这样的第二层解决方案可能有所帮助,但“唯一的根本性补救办法是摆脱工作量证明机制。”
BIS: Bitcoin Must Depart From Proof-of-Work
Bitcoin’s (BTC) problems are only solvable by departing from a proof-of-work (PoW) system, according to research published by the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) on Jan. 21.According to the paper, when in the future Bitcoin’s block rewards fall to zero — given that only a limited number of new Bitcoin will ever be created — transaction fees alone will not be able to sustain mining expenses. The study further notes that while second-layer solutions like the Lightning Network could help, “the only fundamental remedy would be to depart from proof-of-work.”
税务噩梦:在瑞典交易 1 万个比特币的瑞典男子需要交纳近100万美元的净税款
瑞典加密货币交易员 Linus Dunker 收到瑞典税务局(STA)开出的高达 100 万美元的税务账单,他感到十分震惊并声称这种征税要求“不合理”。据 Dunkers 说,他被收取的税费几乎是他所获得的总利润的300%。然而据悉,这起案例只是 STA 受理的与加密货币相关案件中的一例。自从加密交易在瑞典开始流行以来,STA就多次表示对处理加密货币相关事务感兴趣。仅在2018年,STA就对多达 400 名瑞典加密货币交易员的交易活动展开了调查,调查人数是2017年的10倍。
Tax Nightmare: 10,000 Bitcoin Trades Net Swedish Man Nearly $1 Million in Taxes
Linus Dunker, a Swedish crypto trader, was shocked to receive a bill for almost $1 million from the Swedish Tax Agency, claiming that the tax demand is “unreasonable.”According to Dunkers, he is being charged 300 percent of his total profits. The case is one of a growing number of cryptocurrency-related cases being taken up by the agency. The STA has increasingly indicated an interest in prosecuting cryptocurrency cases since crypto trading attained popularity in the country. In 2018 alone, the STA opened investigations into the activities of up to 400 Swedish crypto traders – 10 times more than the previous year.
据俄罗斯媒体报道,俄罗斯可能将允许 IT 行业和区块链行业的部分企业使用数字资产进行金融交易。议会金融市场委员会主席 Anatoly Aksakov 表示,国家杜马将支持“试点地区”的想法,在这些地区测试加密货币的流通情况。
Russian Institutions Back Proposal to Let Companies Use Cryptocurrency
Select entities from the IT sector and the blockchain industry may be permitted to utilize digital assets in their financial transactions, Russian media reported. The State Duma supports the idea of “pilot regions” where the circulation of cryptocurrencies can be tested,the chairman of the parliamentary Financial Markets Committee, Anatoly Aksakov, told the business outlet Izvestia.
Tuur Demeester
Adamant 资本创始人
「Unitimes注:TCP/IP协议族:互联网协议(英语:Internet Protocol Suite,缩写IPS)是一个网络通信模型,以及一整个网络传输协议家族,为互联网的基础通信架构。它常被通称为TCP/IP协议族(英语:TCP/IP Protocol Suite,或TCP/IP Protocols),简称TCP/IP。」
Bitcoin is becoming a platform—a protocol stack with many features:
store of value
low trust wealth transfer
confidential transactions
tokenized securities
high volume payment network
smart contracts / programmable money
Eric Conner
区块 7,100,000 的高度已经通过,这意味着难度炸弹将再次升级,我们将开始发现区块的生成时间越来越慢,大约会在18到20秒之间,直到区块达到 7,200,000的高度。
Block 7,100,000 has passed which means the difficulty bomb will step up again and we'll start to see slower block times. Probably around ~18-20 seconds until 7,200,000.
Craig S Wright
期待有更多的白皮书发布,并将顺利扩展比特币,使得那些造出冒充 BTC 的币的家伙们开始认识到他们的假比特币分叉是多么差劲。
2019 will be a good year.
I look forward to papers being released and scaling Bitcoin as the BTC sham coins guys start to see just how screwed their fake bitcoin fork is
Preethi Kasireddy
TruStory 创始人兼CEO
Bitcoin took off because it preached Ideology. Ethereum took off because it preached Practicality.
The fallacy is in thinking one is RIGHT and the other is the WRONG. A new social construct needs BOTH.
Joseph Young
Bitcoin ATMs are good for new users and it's easy to buy Bitcoin or other crypto with it.
The problems with most that I've seen are high fees and poor conversion rates. It is often much more expensive than exchanges. Next step is to fix these issues.
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