tcp 重传超时次数

tcp 重传超时次数

作者: 良人与我 | 来源:发表于2019-04-27 21:56 被阅读11次




TCP retransmits an unacknowledged packet up to tcp_retries2 sysctl setting times (defaults to 15) using an exponential backoff timeout for which each retransmission timeout is between TCP_RTO_MIN (200 ms) and TCP_RTO_MAX (120 seconds). Once the 15th retry expires (by default), the TCP stack will notify the layers above (ie. app) of a broken connection.

The value of TCP_RTO_MIN and TCP_RTO_MAX is hardcoded in the Linux kernel and defined by the following constants:

#define TCP_RTO_MAX ((unsigned)(120*HZ))
#define TCP_RTO_MIN ((unsigned)(HZ/5))

Linux 2.6+ uses HZ of 1000ms, so TCP_RTO_MIN is ~200 ms and TCP_RTO_MAX is ~120 seconds. Given a default value of tcp_retries set to 15, it means that it takes 924.6 seconds before a broken network link is notified to the upper layer (ie. application), since the connection is detected as broken when the last (15th) retry expires.


From the Linux kernel doc
tcp_retries2 - INTEGER
This value influences the timeout of an alive TCP connection,
when RTO retransmissions remain unacknowledged.
Given a value of N, a hypothetical TCP connection following
exponential backoff with an initial RTO of TCP_RTO_MIN would
retransmit N times before killing the connection at the (N+1)th RTO.

The default value of 15 yields a hypothetical timeout of 924.6
seconds and is a lower bound for the effective timeout.
TCP will effectively time out at the first RTO which exceeds the
hypothetical timeout.

RFC 1122 recommends at least 100 seconds for the timeout,
which corresponds to a value of at least 8.



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