

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2021-08-18 08:14 被阅读0次
    英文 中文
    Intimacy is a four-syllable word "亲密"在英语中是个四音节单词
    For, "here are my heart and soul. 意思是"给你我的心和灵魂
    Please grind them into hamburger and enjoy." 磨碎做成汉堡包请你细细品味"
    It's both desired and feared, 既让人渴望又令人恐惧
    Difficult to live with... 很难与之相处
    Uh, excuse me! Excuse me! 不好意思不好意思
    ... and impossible to live without. 但又不可或缺
    Is that my toothbrush?! 你用的是我牙刷吗
    Intimacy also comes attached to three Rs 亲密还与三个词密不可分
    Relatives, romance and roommates. 亲情友情和爱情
    Coffee? 要咖啡吗
    There are some things you can't escape. 有些事是无法逃脱的
    And other things you just don't want to know. 另一些是你没兴趣的
    Hello, Kitty. 你好凯蒂猫
    You don't understand. Me gonads, you ovaries. 你不明白我是男的你是女的
    That reminds me. We are out of tampons. 这倒提醒我了卫生巾用光了
    You're parading to the bathroom in your underwear 你穿着内裤在卫生间进出时
    When I'm naked in the shower. 我可是赤裸裸地在洗澡哎
    Can you add it to your list? 麻烦你在购物清单上记下
    - What?! - Tampons! -什么-卫生巾
    To the list. It's your turn. 加入购物单这次该你去超市了
    I am a man! I don't buy girl products! 我是个男人我不买女性用品
    I don't want you walking in while I'm in the shower, 还有我不希望你在我洗澡的时候进来
    And I don't want to see you in your underwear. 而且我也不想看你就穿着个内裤
    It doesn't bother me, ok? 我无所谓啊
    Look at me in my underwear, George. 乔治不就是看着我穿个内裤嘛
    Take your time. It's no big deal. 别那么慌张没什么大不了的
    You are the first person they see in the morning. 病人们早晨首先看到的是你们
    You say please. You say thank you. 要说"请""谢谢"
    You apologize for waking them up. "很抱歉把你叫醒"
    You make them feel good about you. 要给他们留下好印象
    Why is that important? 为什么这很重要
    'cause then they'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. 只有这样他们才会告诉你们病情
    Why is that important? 为什么这很重要
    Because then you can tell your attending 只有这样你才能把有用的信息
    What they need to know during the round 汇报给你的主治医生
    And why is that important? 这为什么那么重要呢
    Because if you make your resident look bad, 因为如果你让你住院医生难堪
    She'll torture you until you beg for your mama. 她就会把你折磨得跪地求饶
    Now get out there, 现在去吧
    I want the first round done by 5:30am. 我要你们在五点半之前完成巡诊
    Morning, Dr. Model. 早上好模特医生
    Dr. Evil Spawn. 早上好魔鬼医生
    Ooh, nice tat. 挺漂亮的纹身
    They airbrush that out for the catalogs? 杂志上把它修了么
    I don't know. 不知道
    What do they do for the 666 on your skull? 你脑门上的"恶魔"二字怎么没了
    I'd better get good patients today. 希望今天能遇到好病例
    Yesterday I had two guys with colostomies 昨天我的两个病人是做结肠手术的
    Who needed dressing changes every 15 minutes. 每15分钟就得帮他们换一次衣服
    I'm gonna be in surgery. Today's my day. 我要做手术今天是我的好日子
    - On what? - Like I'd tell you. -什么手术-才不告诉你呢
    What do you know? 你有什么情报
    I know that I was here at 4:00, and you didn't get here untill 4:30. 我知道我四点就来了而你四点半才来
    Tell me. 告诉我嘛
    No. 才不呢
    I'm not the intern who's screwing an attending. 我可没跟主治医师有染
    I am not screw... 我跟他没有
    You're here early. 你来的挺早啊
    I have a chordotomy at 5:00. I'll be out at 6:00. 我五点有个脊髓切断术六点才结束
    I thought I might buy you breakfast before your rounds. 我还以为在你巡诊前能请你吃早饭呢
    - I've already eaten. - What'd you have? -我吃过了-你吃的什么
    None of your business. 这不关你事
    You a cereal person? 是吃麦片吗
    Straight out of the box? or all fruit and fibery? 开袋即食都是水果和粗纤维的那种吗
    Pancakes? Do you like pancakes. 煎饼呢你喜欢煎饼吗
    Fine, leftover grilled cheese. 好吧我吃了剩下的烤芝士
    Curiosity satisfied? 满足你的好奇心了吧
    That's sad. It's pathetic. 太可悲太可怜了
    A good day starts with a good breakfast. 美好的一天始于丰盛的早餐
    Look, I'm not being seen with you in this hospital. 在医院我不想被人看到和你一起
    Learn it, live it. It's unprofessional. 公私不分这不够职业
    Think of it as an attending getting to know one of his interns. 就当是主治医生想了解实习生
    He slept with the intern. 然后和实习生上床吗
    He barely knew her. 当时几乎就不认识
    And it's just stay that way. 那就保持那样
    You want me to be professional? I'll be professional. 你要我职业些吗我会很职业
    - That's what I want.- That's what you get. -求之不得-那你如愿以偿了
    You're gonna be late for your chordotomy. 你的手术快要迟到了
    Nice talking to you, Dr. Grey. 格蕾医生和你聊天很高兴
    Anyone seen the floor chart on the new admission? 谁看见新入院病人的病历了
    You always come in like that, bang the light on? 你进门总是这么粗鲁啪地开灯吗
    You're Elizabeth Fallon? 你是伊丽莎白·法伦吧
    What does my chart say? 我的病历上怎么写的
    It says you used to be a nurse here. 上面写你曾经是这儿的护士
    A scrub nurse. 手术护士
    Now you have abdominal mass 你患有胰腺癌
    Consistent with pancreatic cancer. 并伴有腹腔扩散
    Oh, and you are hoping they're gonna give me a Whipple. 你希望他们给我做惠而浦疗法
    Pancreatic duodectomy. 就是胰腺切除术
    This hospital sees those one... 这家医院也许每六个月
    Maybe once every six months. 才能看到一例
    I guess it's why you get here 4:30, huh? 我猜这就是你四点半来这儿的原因吧
    4:00. 是四点
    Grabbed my chart before anybody else could see it. 好先捷足先登抢到我的病历
    Impress Dr. Burke with your pre-round exam 通过巡诊前检查打动伯克医生
    So you'd be the logical intern for him to ask to scrub in. 这样你就顺理成章地可以参加手术了
    Ha-ha! I know all the tricks, Doctor. 我知道你们这些把戏医生
    Yang. Cristina Yang. 杨克里斯蒂娜·杨
    I'll call you Cristina. 那我就叫你克里斯蒂娜
    You call me nurse Fallon. 你叫我法伦护士
    Mr. Humphrey? 汉弗瑞先生
    Mr. Humphrey, I'm sorry to wake you. 汉弗瑞先生很抱歉把你叫醒
    Come on. 不是吧
    What time is it? 这才几点啊
    Ten after five 五点十分
    I'm sorry. I just need to do a brief exam. 抱歉我需要做个基本检查
    If you could sit up for one moment. 麻烦你坐起来一会
    Thanks. 谢谢
    This might be a little bit cold, so just take a deep breath. 可能会有点冷做个深呼吸
    If you could just take a deep breath. 深呼吸
    You're not a doctor. 你不是医生
    I'm Dr. Stevens. You can call me Izzie. 我是斯蒂文斯医生你可以叫我伊兹
    I'll be helping Dr. Bailey with your biopsy this morning. 我将协助贝利医生给你做活组织检查
    No, I don't think so, no. 不我可不这么想
    Mr. Humphrey, this will just take a moment. 汉弗瑞先生一会儿就好
    No, get me Dr. Bailey 不要去叫贝利医生
    or Dr. Victor 或者叫维克特医生来
    I just need to do a brief... 我只是要做一些基本的
    You don't need do anything 你什么都不用做
    Is this you? 这是你吗
    Huh? Is this you? 这上面是你吗
    It is, isn't it? 这就是你是吧
    You know, get out of my room. 立刻离开我的房间
    - Mr. Humphrey... - Get out of my room. -汉弗瑞先生-马上滚出去
    There need to be some rules. 我们必须定一些规矩
    So, what, we can walk around in our underwear 什么规矩我们可以轮流在周二
    On alternate Tuesdays 穿着内裤走来走去
    Or you could see bras not panties 或者露胸罩不能露内裤
    Or are you talking Amish rules? 或者你要用门诺教的戒律吗
    Because if you think you're gonna get Izzie to cover herself... 如果你认为这样可以让伊兹裹严实点
    The amount of flesh exposed is not the point. 暴露面积不是重点
    You have to do something. It's your house. 你必须采取行动那是你的房子
    - It's my mother's house.- Meredith... -那是我妈妈的房子-梅瑞狄斯
    Do you like Izzie? Is that what this is about? 你喜欢伊兹吗所以才这样
    Do you have a crush on Izzie? 你是不是迷恋上伊兹了
    Izzie? No. I don't like Izzie. 伊兹没有我不喜欢伊兹
    Izzie... No. 不是伊兹
    I... she's not the one I'm attracted to. 我喜欢上的不是她
    Not the one. So there's a one. 不是她那就是有一个咯
    This is not... 不是这样的
    Look, there just have to be some rules. 我们真的要制定一些规则
    O'malley, Grey, get Karev and head down to trauma. 欧麦利 格蕾 叫上克莱夫去外科
    Shepherd needs you. 谢博德叫你们
    Shepherd's in surgery. 谢博德在做手术
    He got pulled before he could start. 他手术还没开始就被叫出来了
    Those look like... 那些像是
    Nails. 钉子
    I can't see my hands. 我看不见我的手了
    Oh, my god. He's conscious. 天哪他还有意识
    Breathe deeply, George. You won't pass out. 乔治深呼吸你不会晕倒的
    Use 4 milligrams of morphine. 注射4毫克吗啡
    Titrate up to 10 if you have to. 必要时点滴加至10
    You know what? I don't want him to move. 不要让他乱动
    - I can't see.- It's ok. -我看不见了-会没事的
    We need you to be very still, Mr... 千万别乱动先生
    Cruz, Jorge Cruz. 克鲁兹豪尔赫·克鲁兹
    he tripped and fell down a flight of stairs holding a nail gun. 他拿着射钉枪从楼梯上摔了下来
    Somehow he managed to miss a blood vessel 怎么会钉子居然没有伤到血管
    That's a minor miracle. Optic nerve's been affected. 这是个奇迹不过视神经受到了影响
    Can you feel this? Numbness on his right side. 能感觉到吗右边身体无知觉
    - What's our immediate concern? - Infection. -我们首先要注意什么-感染
    Right, I wanna be puling these nails out in the next half-hour. 正确但愿在半小时内能取出这些钉子
    - I need a CT. - CTs are down. -我需要做个CT-CT机坏了
    - What?- They exchanged them out last night. -什么-他们昨晚拿出去修了
    Computers crashed haven't back by 1:00 电脑故障要到一点才能拿回来
    It's not typical. So what are the options? 真见鬼了还有什么方案
    - MRI.- No, brilliant. -核磁共振-不行天才
    The man's got nails in his head. 这人脑袋里全是钉子
    Let's put him in the giant megnetic way. 我们把他放进一个巨大磁场里
    You want films from three axis 可以用弯臂X光机
    points and a c-arm in surgery 从3个不同轴位来获取图像
    Exellent. You guys dig up research and find out if 很好你们去查查研究报告
    this has ever happen before, go 看看以前有没有类似的病例快点
    My wife. My wife, My wife. 我妻子我妻子
    She is on the way. 她正在赶过来
    You wife is on the way, Mr. Cruz. 克鲁兹先生你的妻子正在路上
    Stay with him, keep him calm and look for changes. 陪着他让他保持冷静注意病情
    I can't see. 我看不见了
    Fifty-five-year-old woman with 55岁女性
    adenocarcinoma of the pancreas . 患有胰腺癌
    Has had radiation therapy to reduce the tumor load. 已经进行化疗控制了癌细胞扩散
    Rates her abdominal pain three out of ten. 腹痛指数为3极最大10极
    Positive nausea, but no vomiting. 感觉恶心但没有呕吐
    Diarrhea, hematochezia, melena 腹泻便血黑便
    afebrile with T-max 37-2 最高体温37.2度无发热
    and stable vital signs. 生命体征平稳
    Lab significant for a total ability of seven 化验显示胆红素值为7
    and elevated liver enzymes. 肝脏酶升高
    Thank you, Dr. Yang. 谢谢杨医生
    Aggressive little witch, isn't she? 很有干劲的小医生不是吗
    She stole my chart during pre-rounds 她为了参加手术
    so she could scrub in on my surgery. 在巡诊前就偷了我的病历
    She's hoping for a Whipple. 她想参与胰腺切除术
    Well, actually, Liz, I was gonna give you to Meredith Grey. 实际上我本想把梅瑞狄斯·格蕾派给你
    Ellis's daughter? 爱丽丝的女儿吗
    Yes, she's an intern this year. 是的她是今年的实习生
    Thought you'd have something to talk about. 我认为你们会有共同话题
    Oh, I doubt that. 那倒未必
    I was Ellis's scrub nurse for 18 years, 我给爱丽丝当了18年的手术护士
    practically lived with that woman. 几乎是和她生活在一起
    I didn't meet that daughter once. 但我一次都没见过她女儿
    Anyway, Shepherd has her on the guy with the nails in his head. 她正和谢博德治疗头上进钉子的病人
    There's a guy with nails in his head? 有病人的头上进钉子吗
    Seven of them. 有7个钉子
    Shot himself in the head with a nail gun. 自己用射钉枪打进去的
    "nail" nails? 真的钉子吗
    Sixteen pennies, three and a half inches long. 16美分一个3.5英寸长
    - I mean he's still alive?- Fully conscious. -我说他还活着吗-完全清醒
    Should be a pretty interesting surgery. 这应该是个很精彩的手术
    But I guess you've got the Whipple. 但我想这个胰腺切除术是你的了
    I'm gonna need a full blood work-up and abdominal CT. 我需要一份全套血液检查和腹部CT
    CTs are down this morning. CT都坏了
    Then an MRI. 那就做核磁共振
    She needs an enema, 她需要做灌肠
    An ERCP for a stent 然后做胰胆管造影
    And brush biopsy this afternoon. 下午做活组织切片
    Take care of her. Liz is an institution around here. 好好照顾她利兹可是这里的元老了
    Good call, doctor. 好决定医生
    Grey's got the human two-by-four, 格蕾的病人是个无名小卒
    And you have the institution in need of an enema. 而你分到了这位需要灌肠的元老
    You'd say your health's been good recently? 您最近的身体很不错吗
    Maybe some headaches. 有时有些头疼
    Nothing compared to now. 当然跟现在可没法比
    Sona, that's my wife. 我的妻子桑娜
    Sona, she'll say, 她会说
    "why you think they call it a gun, moron?" "白痴不然为什么把这叫做枪"
    She hates the damn things. 她恨那玩意儿
    With good reason. 有道理
    - Baby? - Sona. -亲爱的-桑娜
    You are in so much trouble. 这回你麻烦大了
    Get a history from her before you scrub in. 手术前从她那里了解一下病史
    - Ok. - Thank you. -好的-谢谢
    Twenty-three. 23起
    People have been accidentally shot 钉子意外射入
    In the head with nails twenty-three times. 头部的病例共有23起
    One was attempted suicide, doesn't count. 其中一个是自杀不能算
    Oh, so he pointed a nail gun at his head on purpose? 他是故意用射钉枪对着自己脑袋
    That makes me feel better. 那我感觉好多了
    So, uh...
    Grey and stevens really walk around in their underwear? 格蕾和斯蒂文斯真的穿着内裤到处走吗
    Not all the time. 也不是一直那样
    I mean, some of the time, you know. 我是说有些时候
    But not all the time. 但不总是那样
    Sexy underwear? 性感内衣吗
    Yeah. I mean... 是的我是说
    And they just, uh, let you look at them? 她们就那样给你看吗
    Well, uh... yeah. 嗯是啊
    Like sisters. 像姐妹那样
    No, well, not like sisters. 不不像姐妹




