Dream of 20160912

Dream of 20160912

作者: 波栗子 | 来源:发表于2016-09-12 05:43 被阅读0次

I was sitting in the classroom and with my boyfriend on the left as the deskmate. On the leftest list of the room we just turned head right to listen the teacher speaking. It seemed that my high school mathematics teacher was worried about something and on the blackboard there was a very delicate beautiful painting of Chinese traditional drama actress head. I imitated it on my notebook carefully. Teacher suddenly asked a question and students said all in a voice that Taiwanese knows! And they were all looking into our position. The man left standed up reluctantly and answered he was unclear either.

Analyze: left of left means right, when painting I felt comfortable and relaxing. The teacher present my nervousness.


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      本文标题:Dream of 20160912
