林黛玉听了这话,如轰雷掣电, These words struck Daiyu like a thunderbolt. 细细思之,竟比自己肺腑中掏出来的还觉恳切, As she turned them over in her mind, they seemed closer to her innermost thoughts than if wrung from her own heart. 竟有万句言语,满心要说,只是半个字也不能吐,却怔怔的望着他. There were a thousand things she longed to say, yet she could not utter a word. She just stared at him in silence. 此时宝玉心中也有万句言语,不知从那一句上说起,却也怔怔的望着黛玉. As Baoyu was in a similar case, he too stared at her without a word.