Python Web Scraping ———08.01.201

Python Web Scraping ———08.01.201

作者: 腾腾4ever | 来源:发表于2017-08-02 12:16 被阅读0次

    Python requests, brew, postgresql

    Just write down what I've learned about web data scraping so that I won't forget everything and start all over next time I need to use the technique.

    Today let's introduce "requests"

    import requests

    For details of requests.request/get/post/put/patch/delete. requests is very powerful in terms of how much it takes in and returns. You can specify headers, timeout, proxies all at one time. urllib is really messy since if you are using python 2.X, it could really be an annoy trying tp figure out urllib and urllib2, and their features in six.moves.urllib.

    After submitting the request, it is going to return a requests.Response object. You can invok either raw, text, content method to see the inside. Furthermore, you can call response.json() and turn it into json object.

    Powerful tool.

    Getting familiar with "brew" and "postgresql"

    I need to establish a database for storing all the data I have scrapped and after research and talking to people, I decided to go with "postgresql." 

    So as a result I ended up with "brew" easy to check if "brew" is been installed:

    apple$ which brew

    It turns out that "brew" has been installed and then I checked for update:

    apple$ brew update

    apple$ brew doctor

    To install "brew" and make sure that "brew" is installed in your computer:

    apple$ brew install postgresql

    apple$ brew search postgresql

    After intallation, you can now start and stop postgresql:

    apple$ brew services start postgresql

    apple$ brew services list #This is to check what is been running 

    apple$ brew services stop postgresql 

    For other command lines:

    apple$ brew outdated

    apple$ brew upgrade

    apple$ brew cleanup

    #Easy to read thru these command lines what they do

    This website could be useful as reference:


    Getting familiar with working with "postgresql" over at terminal

    Make sure that you have started postgres:

    apple$ brew services start postgres 


    apple$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start && brew services start postgresql

    Super useful website:


    In terms of create user and create database

    psql postgres #access the database cluster postgres

    postgres=# \du #check on roles and each role's access

    CREATEROLE usernameWITHLOGIN PASSWORD'quoted password'[OPTIONS] #create roles with login password

    postgres=# ALTER ROLE janton CREATEDB; #grant access to the user

    postgres=# \q

    psql postgres -U janton #reconnects with user name

    postgres=> CREATE DATABASE teld;

    postgres=>  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE teld TO janton;

    postgres=> \list

    postgres=> \connect teld;

    postgres=> \dt #check on the tables



          本文标题:Python Web Scraping ———08.01.201
