jenkins打包出现 Multiple commands produce ... 错误
Jenkins根据配置.sh脚本执行打包操作,无法根据xcode的配置打包,所以我们需要从命令入手,增加命令的附属语句-UseModernBuildSystem=<value> 表示标示是否采用新编译模式进行编译
There is an (as of yet undocumented) flag in xcodebuild: -UseModernBuildSystem=<value>. The value can be either 0 or NO to use the legacy ("original") build system, or 1 or YES to use the new build system.
For example:
xcodebuild -workspace Foo.xcworkspace -scheme Bar -configuration Release -archivePath /path/to/Foo.xcarchive clean archive -UseModernBuildSystem=NO
(-UseNewBuildSystem=<value> seems to work as well; this flags was introduced in Xcode 9 but I suspect UseModernBuildSystem is going to be the "official" flag for this.)