VUE project setup

VUE project setup

作者: 彩虹金刚_Q | 来源:发表于2018-09-25 17:13 被阅读0次

    After the basic knowledge of git we can clone a project on gitee and do a project with VUE

    When you start something it will come to you graduate and the progress is really faster then you expect that what we called you are on the right track~

    Enough for sighing with emotion, we need to start with study

    To use VUE first of all you need to install node.js

    official website is always your best choice so after that we can go to official website for npm

    Everything becomes much easier after you got npm 

    you can install/update everything with npm 

    npm install webpack -g

    npm install webpack-cli -g 

    npm i

    npm install vue

    OK another thing is setup the link between your local git and gitee/github

    we can refer to this instruction one thing to remember is make sure username and password is correct as changing it is difficult 

    after clone we need to do

    npm install 

    npm start

    to let our server work

    By the way there is some basic knowledge about VUE and webpack just refer to this

    There is some tricky part for windows we can refer to trouble shooting

    Webpack 中涉及路径配置最好使用绝对路径,建议通过 path.resolve(__dirname, "app/folder") 或 path.join(__dirname, "app", "folder") 的方式来配置,以兼容 Windows 环境。



          本文标题:VUE project setup
