

作者: 61d6638dd40f | 来源:发表于2017-05-12 22:51 被阅读17次


    The “lowest blow,” according to the French magazine Marianne, came somewhere around the twenty-minute mark of a psychologically violent debate that took place in Paris on Wednesday night between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, ahead of this Sunday’s second and final round of the French Presidential election.


    Unluckily for Le Pen, who is behind in the polls, the conversation was stalled on economic issues.

    Be stalled on : 停滞在 

    After she confused two major companies—“One makes phones, the other makes turbines,” Macron offered—she appeared desperate to change the subject.


     The possibility of creating a sovereign investment fund for the French state came up, and, as Macron began to explain in goat-gettingly didactic tones why that probably wasn’t a good idea, Le Pen attacked.


    / dɪˈdæktɪk, daɪ-; daɪˋdæktɪk/ adj(fml文)
    intended to teach 教导的; 教诲性的; 说教的: didactic poetry, methods教诲诗﹑教导方法.

    Get someone’s goat: 火冒三丈

    “I see you’re looking to play student and teacher with me, but, as far as I’m concerned, that’s not really my thing,” she said.

    "It's not my thing" means its not something you enjoy.

    With her mention of giving lessons, Le Pen was possibly echoing François Mitterrand’s reproach of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing—“I’m not your student,” he said, in a debate in 1981—and definitely taking a shot at the romantic life of Macron and his wife, Brigitte Trogneux.

    giving lessons:授课


    / ˈekəu; ˋɛko/ v
    (a) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (back) (of places) send back (an echo) (指地方)传回(回声): The valley echoed (back) his song. 山谷中传回他唱歌的回声. (b) [Tn] (fig 比喻) (of people, places, etc) repeat (sth); imitate; recall (指人﹑地方等)重复(某事物); 模仿; 回忆: They echoed their leader's every word. 他们重复领袖的每一句话.


    / rɪˈprəutʃ; rɪˋprotʃ/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) ~ sb/oneself (for sth) criticize sb/oneself, esp for failing to do sth责备某人[自己](尤指因未做成某事): She reproached him for forgetting their anniversary. 她责备他竟把他们的结婚周年纪念日忘了. * I have nothing to reproach myself for, ie that I need regret. 我问心无愧.

    taking a shot at:攻击……

     (One can’t help but wonder what Trogneux’s ex-husband must make of the double freak occurrence of losing his wife to a teen-ager, only to have him turn out, decades later, to be the presumptivePrésident de la République.)


    / friːk; frik/ n
    (infmlderog口, 贬) person considered abnormal because of his behaviour, appearance, ideas, etc(因行为﹑相貌﹑思想等而被看作)不正常的人: People think she's a freak just because she's religious. 就因为她信教, 人们就把她当成怪人.
    (infml口) person with a specified interest or obsession; fan 有特别兴趣或着迷的人; 迷: health/health-food freaks 对健康[保健食品]着迷的人 * a jazz freak 爵士乐迷 * an acid freak, iesb addicted to the drug LSD 有迷幻药瘾的人.
    very unusual event or action 极不寻常的事或行为: By some freak (of chance) I was overpaid this month. 真稀奇, 这个月多给我钱了. * [attrib作定语] a freak accident, storm, etc反常的事故﹑暴风雨等.

    “You don’t understand, you already have your life,” Macron’s mother reportedly told a tearful Trogneux, who refused to promise to break off the affair.

    break off breaks off; breaking off; broke off; broken off
    If someone breaks off a relationship, they end it.
    The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago.
    He doesn't seem to have the courage to break it off with her.

    “He won’t have children!” He has no biological children, but he is close to his stepchildren, all of whom have been active in his campaign, and even his step-grandchildren, one of whom he was pictured feeding a bottle to, in Paris Match.

    Knowing that Macron went through certain kinds of hell to win his happiness makes it all the more interesting—moving, even—to see him emerging as a powerful champion of the modern family in its many forms.

    The Sunday before the debate, Marine Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie, who co-founded her party, the National Front, delivered a May Day oration in Paris.

    the National Front国民阵线,法国极右翼政党


    / ɔːˈreɪʃn; ɔˋreʃən/ n (fml文) formal speech made on a public occasion, esp as part of a ceremony 演讲, 演说(尤指作为仪式的一部分): a funeral oration悼词.


    Of Macron, he roared, “He talks to us about the future, but he doesn’t have children!” Many people have fallen for the notion that Marine’s expulsion of Jean-Marie from the Party, in 2015—he had made the latest in a long series of comments dismissing the Holocaust—was, as the Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote, “a quite costly and dramatic act of political purgation.”

    fall for  

    1.fall for falls for; falling for; fell for; fallen for
    If you fall for someone, you are strongly attracted to them and start loving them.
    He was fantastically handsomemI just fell for him right away.

    2.fall for falls for; falling for; fell for; fallen for
    If you fall for a lie or trick, you believe it or are deceived by it.
    It was just a line to get you out here, and you fell for it!.
    I told him I would think about it and asked for his telephone number. He didn't fall for that one.


    / ɪkˈspʌlʃn; ɪkˋspʌlʃən/ n ~ (from...) 1 [U] action of expelling or being expelled 驱逐; 开除: Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚. * [attrib作定语] an expulsion order, ie an official order expelling a person from a country 驱逐出境令.


    / pɜːˈgeɪʃn; pəˋɡeʃən/ n [U] (fml文) purging or purification 净化; 洗涤.

    Perhaps it was personally difficult, but politically the arrangement is opportune.


    / ˈɔpətjuːn; US -tuːn; ˏɑpɚˋtun/ adj(fml文)
    (of time) suitable or favourable for a purpose (指时间)合适的, 恰好的, 适宜的: arrive at an opportune moment来得正好.

     While technically speaking for himself, Jean-Marie can continue to promulgate the rancid ideas upon which the National Front is built, without the Party having to take responsibility for them.


    / ˈprɔmlgeɪt; ˋprɑməlˏɡet/ v [Tn] (fml文)
    make (sth) widely known; disseminate 宣扬(某事物); 传播: promulgate a belief, an idea, a theory, etc传播信仰﹑思想﹑理论等.
    announce officially (a decree, new law etc); proclaim 公布, 颁布(法令﹑新法律等); 宣布.>promulgation / ˏprɔmlˈgeɪʃn; ˏprɑməlˋɡeʃən/ n [U]:the promulgation of a treaty条约的公布.


    / ˈrænsɪd; ˋrænsɪd/ adj
    (of fatty foods) tasting or smelling bad because of staleness (指含油脂食物)因变质而有陈腐味道或气味的: The butter has gone/turned rancid. 这黄油已经哈喇了.

    In Paris, speaking of the French nation as “a past from where we come, and without which we would not have existed biologically, physically, morally, or spiritually,” hesought to draw a privilegedgenealogy for Marine.


    / ˏdʒiːnɪˈlədʒɪ; ˏdʒinɪˋælədʒɪ/ n
    [U] study of family history, showing who the ancestors of particular people were and how they were related to each other 家谱学; 宗谱学.
    [C] (diagram showing a) particular person's ancestry 家谱; 宗谱.

    Macron, in his rendering, was essentially a eunuch. As a knock on Macron’s manhood, the line also called up a ubiquitous rumor, which is that Macron is gay and in a relationship with the head of Radio France, Mathieu Gallet.


    1.rendering renderings
    A rendering of a play, poem, or piece of music is a performance of it.
    ...a rendering of Verdi's Requiem by the BBC Symphony Orchestra.
    N-COUNT: usu N of n
    = performance
    2.rendering renderings
    A rendering of an expression or piece of writing or speech is a translation of it.
    This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression.
    N-COUNT: usu N of n
    = translation


    / ˈjuːnək; ˋjunək/ n castrated man, esp one formerly employed in the women's quarters of some oriental courts 阉人; (尤指)宦官, 太监


    / nɔk; nɑk/ n
    (idm习语) take a `knock (infml口) suffer a financial or an emotional blow 蒙受经济或感情上的打击: She took a bad knock when her husband died. 她丈夫一死她受到沉重的打击.


    / ˈmænhud; ˋmænhʊd/ n [U]
    state of being a man (男子的)成年, 成人: reach manhood达到成年.
    qualities of a man, eg courage, virility, etc男子的气质(如勇气﹑活力等): have doubts about one's manhood对自己的男子气概有怀疑.


    / juːˈbɪkwɪtəs; juˋbɪkwətəs/ adj[espattrib尤作定语] (fml or joc文或谑) (seeming to be) present

    everywhere or in several places at the same time (似乎)普遍存在的, 无处不有的:

    Back in February, Macron rather elegantly brushed off the whispers, saying, “If you’re told I lead a double life with Mr. Gallet, it’s because my hologram has escaped.”

    brush off  

    brush off brushes off; brushing off; brushed off
    If someone brushes you off when you speak to them, they refuse to talk to you or be nice to you.


    / ˈhɔləgræm; ˋhɑləˏɡræm/ n (physics 物) photographic representation that gives a three-dimensional image when suitably lit 全息图; 全息照相.

    my hologram has escaped:全息图看过吧?很逼真,但却是虚幻的,模拟的。全息图流落坊间了——表明与事实相去甚远。

     (One of his opponents, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, had just kicked off his campaign by beaming himself between Lyon and Paris.)

    If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins.

    Beam: 平衡

    But his response to Le Pen’s comment about his childlessness was something more earnest and full-throated, an impassioned rejection of the decrepit social order that limits filiation to a man and his seed.

    full-throated:Using the full power of one's voice.


    / dɪˈkrepɪt; dɪˋkrɛpɪt/ adjmade weak by age or hard use 衰老的; 老朽的; 破旧的: a decrepit person, horse, bicycle苍老的人﹑衰老的马﹑破旧的自行车.

    filiation  the fact of being the child of a certain parent.

    Seed:(idm习语) go/run to seed (a) (of a plant) stop flowering as seed is produced (指植物)花谢结子. (b) (fig 比喻) begin to look shabby or become less able, efficient, etc衰败; (能力﹑效力等)减弱: He started to drink too much and gradually ran to seed. 他喝酒过多, 身体逐渐衰弱了.

    “Would I be an enemy of the family because mine is a little different, and I claim that totally?” Once the applause died down, he continued, “I heard the National Front’s message this morning.
    If something dies down, it becomes very much quieter or less intense.

    It’s a family that you have to build, it’s a family you have to conquer, a family that doesn’t owe you anything, and that you will never have!”


    / ˈkɔŋkə(r); ˋkɔŋkɚ/ v [Tn]
    (a) take possession of (sth) by force 以武力占领, 征服(某事物): The Normans conquered England in 1066. 诺曼人於1066年征服了英国. (b) (fig 比喻) gain the admiration, love, etc of (sb/sth)赢得(某人[某事物]的赞誉﹑爱慕等: He set out to conquer the literary world of London. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉. * She has conquered the hearts of many men, ie they have fallen in love with her. 她已使许多男子倾心.

    Maybe it would have been nice to hear him assert that he didn’t need offspring of any sort in order to care about the fate of humankind, but Macron’s pride in his unconventional family and his insistence on its legitimacy nonetheless seemed like a kind of progress.


    / ˈɔfsprɪŋ; US ˈɔːf-; ˋɔfˏsprɪŋ/ n (pl unchanged 复数不变) (fml文) (a) child or children of a particular person or couple (某人或某夫妇的)孩子, 子女

    May spoke about the pain of that realization after a political rival suggested that she had more of a stake in the future than May by virtue of being a mother.)

    He was saying, less apologetically than I’ve heard it said by a politician, that his family would be what he made of it, and that this was a cause for celebration, not suspicion or pity.

    His platform backs up his rhetoric, making special mention of the “diversity of family configurations”—married couples, couples in civil unions, co-habitating couples, parents who are together, parents who are separated, single-parent families, blended families, and same-sex-parent families—and promising to insure them equal rights under the law.


    / ˈretərɪk; ˋrɛtərɪk/ n [U]
    (art of) using language impressively or persuasively, esp in public speaking 修辞; 修辞艺术; 修辞学: impassioned rhetoric富有表现力的修辞.
    (derog贬) elaborate language which is intended to impress but is often insincere, meaningless or exaggerated 华丽的词藻(常含华而不实之意); 虚夸的言辞: the empty rhetoric of politicians政客们的花言巧语.

    civil union is a legal relationship between two people (either of the same or different sex) that provides legal protections to the couple only at the state level.

    The most common form of a blended family is a mother and stepfather arrangement 

    Make all the hot-for-teacher jokes you want to.

    There is steel in his decision to, as he has put it, “have a life which does not in any way correspond to other peoples’ lives.”

    (idm习语) of steel of great strength or hardness 钢铁般的; 强有力的; 坚硬的: a man of steel 钢铁般坚强的男子 * nerves of steel 巨大的勇气 * a grip of steel强劲的紧握.

    During the debate, Le Pen and Macron finally moved on from economics, landing on the question of P.M.A., or medically assisted procreation.

    procreation  n.  the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring

     Le Pen—who has been trying to prevent a schism with the socially ultra-conservative wing of her party, led by her niece, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen—opposes the technology, saying that it should be reserved for heterosexual couples with infertility problems.


    / ˈsɪzəm; ˋsɪzəm/ n [U, C] strong disagreement, esp in a religious organization over doctrine, in which one group stops recognizing the authority of the other 分歧; (尤指)教会分裂.

    ultra-  pref前缀 (used fairly freely with adjs可用作较多形容词的前缀)
    extremely; to excess 极端; 过分

    heterosexual  / ˏhetərəˈsekʃuəl; ˏhɛtərəˋsɛkʃʊəl/ adjfeeling sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex 异性恋的.

    Then they took on the issue of surrogacy, which is illegal in France.

    surrogacy  / `sʌrəgəsi / noun [uncount]

    an arrangement in which a woman gives birth to a baby for another woman who cannot have children

    Macron’s reply was brutal: if he was a reckless baby-maker, then she was a heedless baby-killer, happy to let children “die in the street” rather than give them certain benefits if they weren’t French citizens.

    reckless  / ˈreklɪs; ˋrɛklɪs/ adj~ (of sth) (of people or their actions) not thinking of the consequences or of danger; rash or impulsive (指人或其行为)不考虑後果的, 不顾危险的, 鲁莽的, 由冲动引起的

    If you are heedless of someone or something, you do not take any notice of them. (FORMAL)

    The exchange hinted at yet another kind of family that Macron will have to champion if he wants to be a truly paradigm-busting French leader: the one whose last name sounds nothing like Macron or Le Pen.

    exchange[C] (angry) conversation or argument (愤怒的)谈话或争论: bitter exchanges between MP's in parliament 下议院议员在议会上的激烈争论.

    champion v [Tn] support the cause of (sb/sth); defend vigorously 支持(某人[某事物])的事业; 维护; 卫护: champion the cause of gay rights维护同性恋权利.


    / bʌst; bʌst/ v (pt, pp bust or busted) (infml口)
    [Tn] break (sth); smash 打破(某物); 打碎: I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it. 我把照相机掉在人行道上摔坏了.



