每日一词 204 diplomatic

每日一词 204 diplomatic

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-07-04 22:04 被阅读0次

diplomatic: having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way

diplomatic : adj 本身是外交的,引申为圆通的,得体的,讲究方法的,是个很好用的小词。这个词专门强调处理棘手、敏感的问题时得体、有技巧,因此是褒义词,在口语与写作中都可以使用。

When he got water poured on his head at an AI conference, Robin Li, CEO of Baidu, was quite calm, and his response diplomatic. 


Experienced spokespeople know how to come up with diplomatic answers to challenging questions.

Henry James 小说中diplomatic 的用法

I'm diplomatic and calculating---I don't show him how bad I am.



Ms Foster is a career engineer who worked her way up through Petrobras; a famously demanding manager; and a big change from her predecessor, Sergio Gabrielli, who was a smooth-talking politician first and an oilman second. She is diplomatic about her predecessor, but replaced some of his acolytes and is reviewing many of the deals signed during his tenure.


1) 翻译:这名客服非常圆通地回答了用户的刁钻问题。

The customer service representative answered the tricky question in a diplomatic manner.


Being diplomatic is a very good skill for a salesperson to use as part of his sales tools. 


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    本文标题:每日一词 204 diplomatic
