

作者: Charline0609 | 来源:发表于2019-01-28 20:09 被阅读0次

The other day, I watched the TED talk"何不勇敢地坦诚相待".

The speaker shared with us her experience with her Younger sister Who was caught cancer and died at length. But during her sister illness time, They spent the sweetest days together by uncovering their heart, even Though They hadn't had a deep relationship.


As For people around us, What should We do?

Firstly, uncover your soul. As We grow up, We learn to hide our soul and cover our true feeling.We don't feel like sharing our kindness with the strangers and even our relatives, which makes a indiferent relationship with them. Gradually, I find being kindness with people around me makes me happy. that makes sense.

Secondly, When things get to be difficult and painful, try to be open. It is blind When We are circled by hardship, We don't know What to do. However, trapping yourself into the hole is useless, which frightens You all the time. Trying to be open makes the way wider.


Thirdly, every now and then, step off your busy life.

So, If You meet a person Who You want to be together with, and meanwhile HE or She wants to be together with you, please be honest and authentic to him or  her , puting  aside  pride  and defensiveness, lifting the layers  and  sharing our  vernarable souls with each other.

Love please Love bravely and deeply.


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