

作者: 杉杉妈Alice | 来源:发表于2023-06-11 23:32 被阅读0次


High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.


  -Charles Kettering

Today, no photo

In the morning she woke up so late

At first her daddy wake her up

And then I woke her up

But at last she also sleeped

Her daddy said you can sleep didn't go to the school

However she cried. Actually, I also don't want to do that thing

every time will we call her again and again.

From Monday to Friday is her to go to the school is not our to go to school. Every time we helped her to woke her up but she think it's not her things

Every night I tell her to sleep early. Again and again.  However, every time she is excited

And this evening ,  When I back home the first thing, let her to take a shower

And before today, I told her  Need to take a shower before I back home. However every time when i back home she is playing

TODAY WE finished our shower before 10 o'clock

But when I tell her to go to bed, she said she need go to the toilet to have poop

And also stay in the toilet. At least 30 minutes.  And also she stay in the toilet and  Sing the song.

So one way to brush our teeth, her father come here again and shouting to us

BECAUSE we turn on the type. And let her daddy heard that.

And her daddy can't sleep well. And he comes here

About this thing. Actually, I don't know how to do.

The only one thing she needs to go to bed early.  But when I back home in the evening at least 9:30

I can do it before ten o'clock to a shower.  But the sleep time I can control it .

So that is why I want her to sleep by herself in the room.


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