Life is full of ups and downs and it has episodes all along. Despite this, we're working our way up and striving to the top of the social ladder, with the aim to surpass the original self and turn our life around. We want us to possess ambition, boldness, flexibility and all other merits so as to pursue our dream and reach our destination, and whenever you get all the pep you need, grasp it tightly and don't hesitate, promptly make up your mind and carry out your own blueprint for life.
The journey is not that smooth and you have a long way to go. Sometimes,you would fall down and get hurt badly, but do remember the person who helps you stand and pep you up.
Eventually, you may be able to carve your own niche. You might as well look back and make time for introspection. You might easily internalize everything that has fostered your spirit, cultivated your heart and nurtured your mind as well as the obstacles that have toughened you up and rejuvenated your soul.