

作者: 克克克阿 | 来源:发表于2021-07-22 02:22 被阅读0次




    accessible 可进入,approchable 随和易相处


    1. 是什么决定了你学英语的成与败?

    Hello guys,welcome to Conan's studio. Today, I want to talk about what on earth determines your success or failure in learning English?


    2. 学英语的最大好处是啥?

    Hello guys,welcome to Conan's studio. Today, I want to talk about the most important reason why you need to learn English?







    Hello guys, welcome to Conan's Studio. Today, I want to answer a question.

    4. 一招化解学英语很难的问题

    Hello guys, welcome to Conan's Studio. Today, I am gonna teach you how to make learning English simple. 当我们感觉学英语很困难时,到底该怎么办呢?根据《Succeed: how we can reach our goals》一书,当你觉得某件事情困难、陌生或耗时的时候,多去想what,去想你的任务可以具体拆分成什么子任务,然后只做好子任务就行了。所以,当你觉得学英语很难时,可以根据你学英语的目的,拆分成具体的子任务,比如,复习10个单词,背诵10个短语。这样,就不会手足无措,止步不前啦。欢迎留言拆分一下你的英语目标。

    5. 英语很差能学好吗?

    A lot of students have been asking so many times "what is the most important thing in learning English?" Well, working hard is important, but what matters more is to have faith in yourself. 如果你决定要学好英语,一定要先对自己有信心:你一定能学好英语。英语是一种技能,就像打羽毛球一样,只要有适当的方法和练习,你一定能学好。我毕业于电气专业,我的英语听力和口语从中学就一直都非常差,大学四级我考了2次,六级我考了4次才过。但是之后,通过适当的练习,第一个月就进步飞快,几个月后口语就挺流利了,虽然刚开始发音很一般,但这给了我巨大的信心,我的口语也变得越来越好了。我都可以,你肯定也可以。想听我如何练习英语尤其是口语的伙伴,请点个赞。


    Hello guys, welcome to Conan's studio. Today, I am gonna teach you how to be motivated in learning English. 当我们觉得学英语没有动力怎么办呢?根据《Succeed: how we can reach our goals》这本书,当你觉得做某件事没有动力时,多去想why,多想想你做这件事的目的和意义,就能获得动力。比如当你为了出国留学而学英语时,多去想想你每天的学习不是单纯地背单词和刷题,而是为了留学的体验、学历、和未来职业的成功。这样,是不是更有动力了呢?同样的道理还可以用到英语之外的目标,是不是很好用呢?觉得好就点个赞吧。

    7. 自控力是可获得的吗?

    Is self-control attainable? The answer is yes. According to <Succeed: how we can reach our goals>, Self-control is learned, and developed and made stronger over time. If you want more self-control, you can get more, and you get more self-control the same way you get bigger muscles—you've got to give it regular workouts. Recent research has shown that engaging in daily activities such as exercising, keeping track of your finances or what you are eating, or even just remembering to sit up straight every time you think of it, can help you develop your overall self control capacity. So, you can definitely gain self-control. It is good? how about giving me a like?

    8. 口语发音小练习1

    Hello guys, welcome to Conan's studio. Let's practice our pronunciation today. working hard is important. 首先,work的音标是[wɜːk],加上ing就是[ˈwɜːkɪŋ] ,hard的音标是[hɑːd],is音标很简单[ɪz],important是[ɪmˈpɔːtnt]。所有单词一起读就是:working hard is important, 快一点就是:working hard is important; hard is important连读就是hard is important. 加上重音强调hard和important,working hard is important。多模仿练习几遍很快就能学会哦。

    9. 口语发音小练习2

    Hello guys, welcome to Conan's studio.  你是不是这么读的?what matters is your heart? 或者 what matters is your heart? 其实应该这么读:what matters is your heart?  what[wɒt] ,  matter[ˈmætə], is[ɪz],your[jɔː],heart[hɑːt]. 合在一起就是:what matters is your heart. what的t不要发出声音,what和is直接弱读,就是:what matters is your heart. 再快一点我们把matters和is也可以连读,就变成:what matters is your heart. 多模仿练习马上就能学会了哦?

    10. get on one's nerves 是什么意思?

    Hello guys, welcome to Conan's Studio. 今天,我们来讲一个习语,get on one's nerves. nerve指的是我们的神经。get on one's nerves 字面意思是指触碰到某人的神经,实际意思就是招惹或者烦扰某人。比如,你希望,当你心情不好的时候,没人去惹你烦恼。我们可以说:I hope no one gets on my nerves when I am in a bad mood. 会了吗?现在猜猜看,lose one's nerve是什么意思呢?欢迎留言告诉我。

    11. 要不要每天都学英语呢?

    Amy: Hi Conan, can you tell everyone why you study English everyday? Conan: No problem. Learning is generally a painful process, but it can be rewarding as well. After making up my mind to learn English, I reckoned if I could form the habit of learning English, then it wouldn't consume much of my self-control so that studying English would be as natural as my daily routine such as brushing teeth, having breakfast. As a result, I could manage to persist. So, if it is possible, I would recommend you to study English everyday as a routine. Better this way everyday for half an hour than toil 3.5 hours once a week.

    12. 英语的发音重不重要?

    Amy: Hi Conan, can you explain the importance of good pronunciation? Conan: No problem. Even though the content of your English is more important, good pronunciation still matters a lot. Pronunciation is like your clothes. You can be dressed in rags, or you can wear a gorgeous outfit. Although the rags don't change who you are, they deprive you of your confidence and your immunity to people's biased judgements. On the other hand, a nice outfit can do the trick. All you need is to work a little harder to make your own clothes. Isn't it worthwhile?


    简单来说,没办法一下回答清楚。因为零基础到底是完全没学过英语,还是上学时学过呢?我们需要分情况。如果你完全或几乎没有学过英语,只认识go, hello, good, bad等非常简单的词,不认识different, important, interesting这样的词,那才叫真的零基础,这种情况下,完全自学会非常困难,比较推荐的是跟着一个英语启蒙老师进行学习,大量模范练习少量的常用语料,学习高频的词组。如果你一定要自学的话,推荐一本教程《赖世雄美语从头学》,只要你能坚持下来,英语就多少有点基础了。下一期视频我们来讲一讲有一点点基础的同学该怎么学英语?

    14. 零基础小白如何快速学英语2?

    上一期我们说了,如果你认识这几个词,different, important, interesting,那么可以说你至少有一点点基础了。常见人群包括:初高中学生,非英语专业大学生,毕业多年基本没再碰过英语的职场人士。这个阶段主要的问题是:虽然认识部分常见单词,但发音比较差,不懂英语的语音现象,句子根本读不准。比如,这句话你怎么读?I like food. 很多同学会都成I like food. 正确读法是:I like food. 所以,这个阶段的同学需要大量精听简单的日常对话并模仿,系统学音标并纠正自己的发音,同时练习英语中的语音现象。后面,我将录制更多的相关英语学习视频,你想学习哪些内容呢,欢迎点赞并留言告诉我。


    Amy: Hi Conan, can you give everybody some tips on how to remember vocabulary? Conan: Sure; 首先,基础很差的同学一般都会有发音不准的问题,这种情况下背单词就不能只是不断重复单词,达到让自己认识的目的。而要同时学习发音。所以,初始阶段比较合适的背单词方法应该满足:有句子的语境和发音,有中文的释义,有标准单词发音。背的过程要要包括:先根据句子猜测一下单词意思,然后记忆中文意思,跟读3到5次此单词的发音。如果你对自己要求高一点,还可以跟读几遍例句,虽然比较耗时,但对你的发音和词汇的理解都很有帮助。下一期我们来讲一讲有哪些比较好的背单词APP?


    Amy: Hi Conan, can you recommend some apps for memorising vocabulary? Conan: Sure. 上一期视频我们说了基础差的同学背单词的一些原则:不管英式还是美式一定要有标准发音可以跟读,一定要有常用的例句构成学习单词的语境,产品设计方面还要有利于长期的坚持,以及辅助记忆单词的一些方法,比如词根词缀法,同时还可以满足我们利用碎片化的时间随时学习。综合以上特点,首先我要推荐的是,我自己一直在用的百词斩,下载量第一名就是它最好的代言,背单词有点像打游戏很有成就感。当然也有其他软件推荐,比如,不背单词,知米背单词,墨墨背单词,扇贝单词等。如果时间允许,你都可以尝试一下,找到你最喜欢的那款。不管你用那个软件,最重要的是把背单词培养成每日习惯坚持下来哦。

    17. Play it by ear 啥意思?

    Amy: Hi Conan. Conan: Hi Amy. What's up? Amy: I had no time to prepare for my interview, so I played it by ear. Conan: Play it by ear? 用耳朵玩它?Conan:并非如此, play it by ear 字面意思是通过听到的信息进行下一招怎么做,实际意思是,随机应变,见机行事。Amy说她没时间准备她的面试,所以她只能见机行事了。比如,当你没有足够的信息时,最好见机行事。我们可以说:When you don't have enough information, you better play it by ear.


    (try posh) Amy: There is a park next to the market. Conan: There is a park next to the market. There ,        is ,      a ,    park, 发音在口腔后侧 park, 不是park,是park park,  next,        to ,  the          market和上面park的元音一样, 不是market,是market。There is a连读成there is a, There is a park next to,park的k和next的结尾t在这里失去爆破了,只有嘴型但不发音,变成There is a park next to, There is a park next to。the market. There is a park next to the market. 重读park和market, 其他弱读,There is a park next to the market. There is a park next to the market. 多练习几遍很快就能学会哦。


    (读慢一些)Amy: class, train, answer;  pleasure, program, foreigner;  access, impression, preference;  permanent, component, intellectual;

    小学到初中到高中大学; 你的词汇是哪个级别呢?欢迎点赞留言。

    22. 测测你的词汇量2

    (读慢一些)Amy: teacher, student, friend; disease, pleasant, explore;  reflect, reference, regulation;  astonish, anticipate, commercial

    小学到初中到高中大学; 你的词汇是哪个级别呢?欢迎点赞留言。

    26. 测测你的词汇量3

    (读慢一些)Amy: flower, dinner, picture; invention, disappear, impossible; reliable, restriction, stubborn;  coordinate, domestic, elaborate

    小学到初中到高中大学; 你的词汇是哪个级别呢?欢迎点赞留言。


    Amy: Hi Conan, can you recommend some good e-dictionaries? Conan: No problem. 从准确的角度说,很多原版的英文词典都很好,比如牛津词典,韦氏词典,柯林斯词典等。其中,科林斯词典的释义方式更适合英语学习者使用,因为它的释义中就包含了常用用法。比如improve的解释是:If something improves or if you improve it, it gets better. 看完这个释义,你直接就会用这个词了。另外,牛津词典还能拓展一些常用的词组,搭配和习语,非常实用。但作为初级英语学习者,当然希望能有中文的释义。所以,我推荐有道词典和金山词霸APP,它们都内嵌有牛津和柯林斯词典,同时还有中文,用起来也非常方便。点个赞,然后快去下载吧!

    21. nosy 是什么意思?

    Amy: Hi Conan, we need to talk quietly. Conan: Hi, Amy. What's up? Amy: I don't want to be overheard by my nosy neighbours. Nosy? nose+y?大鼻子的?Nosy, it means too interested in other's people's affairs. That's to say: 爱管闲事的;Amy说我们说话要小声点,不想被爱管闲事的邻居们听到。When someone annoying asks about your private things, you can say to them: Don't be nosy—it's none of your business.

    23. I guess. 什么意思?

    Amy: Hi Conan, Cakes are so yummy. Do you like cakes? Conan: I like them, but they contain too many calories. So better eat a small piece each time. Amy: I guess. Conan: I guess 是我猜猜的意思吗?其实它是I guess so的简略形式,如果语气上有点点失落,那就和中文里的“好吧” “好的吧”差不多,如果语气比较正常,根据不同的语境可以翻译为,确实如此,我想是的,可以的。比如:马上下雨了,你的朋友说:I have to go now. 你可以回答:I guess. 而如果你的朋友问你:Can I return your book tomorrow? 你可以说:I guess so.

    24. 词根记单词 sist 1

    Amy: Hi guys, today's topic is vocabulary.  The etymon — -sist- means to stand. Back to you Conan.

    Thank you Amy. 第一个词,persist  per穿透,sist站à 从头到尾一直站着à v.坚持;persistence n.坚持;

    consist con一起,sist站à 一起站在某处构成集体à v.由...组成;consistent 始终都站在一起,a.一致的

    subsist sub在下面,sist站à 一直站在下面à v.存在,维持度日

    25. 词根记单词 sist 2


    resist re往回,sist站à 让敌人往回站à v.反抗,抵制;resistance n.抵制

    insist in向内,sist站à 一直站在里面à v.主张,坚持;insistence n.主张,坚持;

    assist as表强调,sist站à 站在旁边à v.援助;assistance n.援助

    27. 词根记单词 tend 1

    Amy: Hi guys, today's topic is vocabulary.  The etymon — -tend- means to stretch. Back to you Conan.

    Thanks. 第一个词,attend a+字母双写表强调,tend延伸à 把心思伸向某处à v.注意,出席,参加;attendance n.出席,出席人数;

    intend in向内,tend延伸à 把内心想法延伸出去à v.打算;intent n.意图,a.集中注意的;intention n.意图;

    distendà dis表分离,tend延伸à 向各个方向延伸à v.膨胀;distensible  a.可膨胀的

    28. 词根记单词 tend 2


    contend con一起,tend延伸à 所有人一起去取某物à v.争论,竞争;contender 竞争者;contention n.争论;contentious a.好争论的

    extendà ex向外,tens延伸à 向外部延伸à v.扩展,扩大;extent n.程度;extensive a.广泛的;

    pretendà pre在前面,tend延伸à 把自己想法展开到别人面前,做样子à v.声称,假装;pretentious a.自负的

    29. 美文——保持年轻

    Amy: Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.  无论是60岁还是16岁,你需要保持永不衰竭的好奇心、永不熄灭的孩提般求知的渴望和追求事业成功的欢乐与热情。在你我的心底,有一座无线电台,它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量的信息,你就会年轻多长时间。

    30. get cold feet 是脚冷吗?

    Conan: Hello Amy. How was your interview last week? Amy: Well, I didn't prepare much for it, so I got cold feet. Conan: Your feet were cold? Amy:Not really, get or have cold feet means so anxious that you back out an action.

    Oh, 这样啊。get cold feet:意思是打退堂鼓,或临阵退缩。 据说,这个表达源于在冬天打仗的军队,士兵以脚被冻住了为理由不去上战场,后来演变成打退堂鼓,临阵退缩的意思。再来个例句:Don't get cold feet when you learn English.

    31. 恕我不敢苟同怎么说?

    Amy:  Conan, what are you eating? Conan: Hi Amy, I am eating peanuts, they are very tasty. Amy: (felt gross) Er,  I beg to differ. They are not yummy at all. Conan: Alright, I will never buy you peanuts.

    I beg to differ 其实就是通过不想冒犯别人的方式来表达你不同意某个观点,不想直接了当地说:I disagree。所以翻译过来就是,恕我不敢苟同。再来个例句:Some people say learning English is not useful, but I beg to differ. 点个赞吧!

    32. 添油加醋怎么说?

    amy: hi conan! i need some advice for my next job interview;conan: sure, how can i help?;amy: how can i get them to like me?;conan: hmm...just be polite and flatter them a little, but be careful not to lay it on too thick.  ;  Lay it on thick 是指过度夸张一种事件或某种情绪,来给他人留下深刻印象。在中文里的意思相当于添油加醋。再来个例句:he keeps saying he's the best, he's really laying it on thick.

    33. 玩得很尽兴怎么说?

    amy: hey conan! ;conan: you look happy! what's up?;amy: i just got an invite to a huge party next weekend! do you want to be my plus one?;conan: i don't know...;amy: c'mon, i'm sure you'll have a blast! ;blast本意指爆炸,have a blast 在这里是指玩得非常尽兴,感觉就相当于中文里的“嗨爆了”。再来个例句:Last year's vacation was so fun, we had a blast.

    34. 口语发音小练习4

    Every man is his own worst enemy.  Every man is his own worst enemy. Every *2;        man;      is    ; his    ; own      ; worst      ; enemy    ; 连起来读:every man 后可以略停顿 is his;  is his 连读,读快点后his的h省略,is  is;  his 和own连读; his own *2; is his own 连读,is his own *2;  worst enemy 连读,worst enemy *2; 全部连在一起读,注意重弱读:Every man is his own worst enemy; *2; That's all, See you next time!

    35. 放鸽子怎么说?

    amy: some people are so annoying..; conan: what's the matter? :(;  amy: i was meant to meet my friends earlier, but they bailed on me!  ; bail on sb. 指和某人约好了某件事,但没有去做,相当于对某人爽约,放某人的鸽子。来个例句:My date was supposed to meet me at lunch time yesterday, but she bailed on me. 再来个例句:My date called me later to meet up at dinner time, but she bailed on me again!

    36. 回到原点怎么说?

    amy: hi conan! i have a great idea for what we can do on your birthday!;conan: really? what is it?;amy: how about we go to a theme park! you know, with rollercoasters and stuff;conan: well to be honest with you, i'm a bit scared of heights..;amy: oh..okay then...i guess we're back to square one...;Back to square one 源自上世纪中期的足球广播,解说员会在心里把足球场划分成标有数字的格子,第一个方格就是主队的起点。所以这个短语的意思就是回到起点或回到原点了,暗示事情要从头再来了。再来个例子:since that plan didn't work they were back to square one


    Doubt is the key to knowledge.怀疑是知识的钥匙;Doubt is the key to knowledge;  doubt  *2  最后的t很轻,    is    ,          the    ,        key    , to        ,  knowledge, 不是know ledge, 也不是knowledgy, 是knowledge    knowledge. 连在一起,doubt is 连读,doubt is, doubt is;  the key ;  the key;  to弱读成 to,to knowledge; doubt is the key to knowledge; 重读doubt, key, knowledge,其他都弱读;doubt is the key to knowledge; doubt is the key to knowledge. That's all, See you next time!

    38. 抢某人风头怎么说?

    conan: hey amy, how was the presentation?;amy: it was great apart from one thing...;conan: what happened?;amy: well my partner made it look like they did most of the work, they completely stole my thunder.  ;steal one's thunder,这里的thunder原指的是18世纪初某剧作家为戏剧所发明的一种制造雷声的新方法,但后来被他人窃用。所以steal one's thunder 表面意思是指偷走某人的雷声,雷声暗指你本应该得到的关注、奖励或功劳,所以这个短语的意思就是“抢某人的风头”。来个例句:Tom is the star student in the class. No matter what I succeed in, he's constantly stealing my thunder.


    amy: conan do you think can help me with this question? i'm stuck;conan: sorry, amy, i'm in the middle of something right now. give me 5 minutes. ; in the middle of (doing)sth. middle的意思是中间,所以这个短语表面意思是在某件事的中间,其实就是指我正忙着呢或我正忙着做某事呢!来个例句:when I came to Amy's home, she was in the middle of preparing dinner.


    amy: wow, my colleague is such a kiss-up;conan: what do you mean?;amy: he's always sucking up to the boss so he gets all the praise! it's annoying.  kiss up to sb./suck up to sb. ,是指通过阿谀奉承或者低声下气的方式来讨好某人。而这样的人我们也可以称之为a kiss-up, 或 a suck-up. 来个例句:It seems like sucking up to the teacher is my only hope for a good grade! but I don't wanna be a suck-up.


    amy: conan, do you think we're compatible?;conan: definitely, we're on the same wavelength about most things ;on the same wavelength; wavelength 就是指的声波或电波的波长,也指频道,这个短语的字面意思就是和某人的频道一样,实际是指很合拍,心有灵犀,我们常说的“和某人同频”就是这个意思。来个例句:Amy always knows what I like to eat at any moment, so we must be on the same wavelength.


    amy: what do you think of this dress?; conan: it's nice!! i like it..;amy: don't you think it's a bit over-the-top? ;conan: definitely not;over-the-top 顾名思义就是超过顶了,引申为过度,根据具体语境还有浮夸,做作,过分的意思。来个例句:Look at the male actor's expression. I think it is over-the-top.


    amy: don't you think you're taking your teasing a bit too far?;conan: no way, it's only a joke!;amy: well this time it definitely crosses the line! ;cross the line 表面意思是指超过了某种可接受的界限,实际就是指过分了。来个例句:If you speak rudely to your teacher, it will cross the line.


    All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易;All things are difficult before they are easy. All things are, are弱读成 [ə],连读起来就是All things are,  all things are;  diffcult, diffcult before, 连读时t就是去爆破了,有时长但不发出声音,difficult before, difficult before. they are easy, they are弱读成 [ðeə] ,[ðeə] easy;All things are difficult before they are easy.  All things are difficult before they are easy.


    amy: hey conan. my friend has a new boyfriend but i'm not sure about him ;conan: how come? what's wrong with him?;amy: well to be honest he just isn't that great, i think my friend is totally out of his league! ;out of someone's league; league 有联赛、联盟或等级的意思,这里自然是指等级,所以这个短语的字面意思就是指在某人的等级范围之外,也就是说某人配不上,但实际上也可以翻译成hold不住,或搞不定。比如这句话:The house is too expensive. It is out of my league.

    46. 合得来怎么说?

    amy: hi conan, do you remember when we first met?;conan: of course!;amy: that was such a fun night. we hit it off immediately ^_^; hit it off (with sb.)指和某人比较投缘,合得来,相处得融洽。比如,你和你最好的朋友第一次见面时应该就比较合得来了。You and your best friend hit it off in your first meeting.


    U should always know there is a learning curve when we learn almost everything. It is

    surprise me!

    beat around the bush; go off the beaten track; be spoiled for choice; be cooking with gas;turning the tide 扭转局势,pull a stunt耍花招,

    pull one's leg; out of woods; pick your brain 向你请教下;copy that;

    Difficult the first time, easy the second.一回生,二回熟;A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终;







