Life is hard, life is hard; love is hard. After all, it is difficult to find rice oil and salt! I used to think that Gao Xiaosong wrote, "Life is not only for the sake of the present, but also poetry and distant fields." but after two hours of talking to friends tonight, I suddenly felt that most of the former optimism was blind. It's nothing more
than bullshit. Can you laugh heartless and heartless all day when you're under the pressure of desperate usury; When you don't have to go to a strange environment for the sake of your partner, you think you have a lot of energy, but you're actually flapping your face because you're making a fuss over trifles. After a period of grievance can not find a place to complain, at this time you can still laugh out; When your parents and friends tried to persuade you to break up, and the side had arranged for you to have a good second half of your life, you stood at the crossroads and hesitated. Every day when I open my eyes, I
feel dizzy under the pressure of numerous heavy worries. You say, life has its own diversity,
but to you how this is so difficult!