spark sql 2.3 源码解读 - Execute (7

spark sql 2.3 源码解读 - Execute (7

作者: sddyljsx | 来源:发表于2018-08-16 23:53 被阅读0次


    /** Internal version of the RDD. Avoids copies and has no schema */
    lazy val toRdd: RDD[InternalRow] = executedPlan.execute()
    final def execute(): RDD[InternalRow] = executeQuery {
        if (isCanonicalizedPlan) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("A canonicalized plan is not supposed to be executed.")
    protected final def executeQuery[T](query: => T): T = {
      RDDOperationScope.withScope(sparkContext, nodeName, false, true) {
    final def prepare(): Unit = {
      // doPrepare() may depend on it's children, we should call prepare() on all the children first.
      synchronized {
        if (!prepared) {
          prepared = true

    最关键的两个函数便是 doPrepare和 doExecute了。


    *(2) Sort [B#6 ASC NULLS FIRST], true, 0
    +- Exchange rangepartitioning(B#6 ASC NULLS FIRST, 200)
       +- *(1) FileScan json [B#6] Batched: false, Format: JSON, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/neal/github/spark2.3/spark/examples/src/main/resources/test.json], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<B:string>

    看一下SortExec的doPrepare 和 doExecute方法:

    override protected def doPrepare(): Unit = {
      coordinator match {
        // 向exchangeCoordinator注册该exchange
        case Some(exchangeCoordinator) => exchangeCoordinator.registerExchange(this)
        case _ =>
    // 注册就是添加到array中
    def registerExchange(exchange: ShuffleExchangeExec): Unit = synchronized {
        exchanges += exchange
    protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
      val peakMemory = longMetric("peakMemory")
      val spillSize = longMetric("spillSize")
      val sortTime = longMetric("sortTime")
      // 逻辑很简单,调用child的execute方法,然后对每个partition进行排序
      child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter =>
        val sorter = createSorter()
        val metrics = TaskContext.get().taskMetrics()
        // Remember spill data size of this task before execute this operator so that we can
        // figure out how many bytes we spilled for this operator.
        val spillSizeBefore = metrics.memoryBytesSpilled
        // 排序
        val sortedIterator = sorter.sort(iter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[UnsafeRow]])
        sortTime += sorter.getSortTimeNanos / 1000000
        peakMemory += sorter.getPeakMemoryUsage
        spillSize += metrics.memoryBytesSpilled - spillSizeBefore


    protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "execute") {
      // Returns the same ShuffleRowRDD if this plan is used by multiple plans.
      // 有缓存则直接返回缓存
      if (cachedShuffleRDD == null) {
        cachedShuffleRDD = coordinator match {
          // 有exchangeCoordinator
          case Some(exchangeCoordinator) =>
            val shuffleRDD = exchangeCoordinator.postShuffleRDD(this)
            assert(shuffleRDD.partitions.length == newPartitioning.numPartitions)
          // 没有exchangeCoordinator
          case _ =>
            val shuffleDependency = prepareShuffleDependency()



    private[exchange] def prepareShuffleDependency()
      : ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow] = {
        child.execute(), child.output, newPartitioning, serializer)

    上面的方法会返回一个ShuffleDependency,ShuffleDependency中最重要的是rddWithPartitionIds,它决定了每一条InternalRow shuffle后的partition id:

    // Now, we manually create a ShuffleDependency. Because pairs in rddWithPartitionIds
    // are in the form of (partitionId, row) and every partitionId is in the expected range
    // [0, part.numPartitions - 1]. The partitioner of this is a PartitionIdPassthrough.
    val dependency =
      new ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow](
        new PartitionIdPassthrough(part.numPartitions),


    private[exchange] def preparePostShuffleRDD(
        shuffleDependency: ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow],
        specifiedPartitionStartIndices: Option[Array[Int]] = None): ShuffledRowRDD = {
      // If an array of partition start indices is provided, we need to use this array
      // to create the ShuffledRowRDD. Also, we need to update newPartitioning to
      // update the number of post-shuffle partitions.
      // 如果specifiedPartitionStartIndices存在,它将决定shuffle后的分区情况
      // exchangeCoordinator 会用到specifiedPartitionStartIndices来实现功能
      specifiedPartitionStartIndices.foreach { indices =>
        newPartitioning = UnknownPartitioning(indices.length)
      new ShuffledRowRDD(shuffleDependency, specifiedPartitionStartIndices)


    class ShuffledRowRDD(
        var dependency: ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow],
        specifiedPartitionStartIndices: Option[Array[Int]] = None)
      extends RDD[InternalRow](dependency.rdd.context, Nil) {
      // 分区数目
      private[this] val numPreShufflePartitions = dependency.partitioner.numPartitions
      // 每个partition的startIndice
      private[this] val partitionStartIndices: Array[Int] = specifiedPartitionStartIndices match {
        case Some(indices) => indices
        case None =>
          // When specifiedPartitionStartIndices is not defined, every post-shuffle partition
          // corresponds to a pre-shuffle partition.
          (0 until numPreShufflePartitions).toArray
      // rdd 的partitioner
      private[this] val part: Partitioner =
        new CoalescedPartitioner(dependency.partitioner, partitionStartIndices)
      override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = List(dependency)
      override val partitioner: Option[Partitioner] = Some(part)
      // 获取所有的partition
      override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
        assert(partitionStartIndices.length == part.numPartitions)
        Array.tabulate[Partition](partitionStartIndices.length) { i =>
          val startIndex = partitionStartIndices(i)
          val endIndex =
            if (i < partitionStartIndices.length - 1) {
              partitionStartIndices(i + 1)
            } else {
          new ShuffledRowRDDPartition(i, startIndex, endIndex)


     * A Partitioner that might group together one or more partitions from the parent.
     * @param parent a parent partitioner
     // 这句注释将partitionStartIndices的作用讲的非常好
     * @param partitionStartIndices indices of partitions in parent that should create new partitions
     *   in child (this should be an array of increasing partition IDs). For example, if we have a
     *   parent with 5 partitions, and partitionStartIndices is [0, 2, 4], we get three output
     *   partitions, corresponding to partition ranges [0, 1], [2, 3] and [4] of the parent partitioner.
    class CoalescedPartitioner(val parent: Partitioner, val partitionStartIndices: Array[Int])
      extends Partitioner {
      // 实现 partition 的转换 
      @transient private lazy val parentPartitionMapping: Array[Int] = {
        val n = parent.numPartitions
        val result = new Array[Int](n)
        for (i <- 0 until partitionStartIndices.length) {
          val start = partitionStartIndices(i)
          val end = if (i < partitionStartIndices.length - 1) partitionStartIndices(i + 1) else n
          for (j <- start until end) {
            result(j) = i
      override def numPartitions: Int = partitionStartIndices.length
      override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {



    def postShuffleRDD(exchange: ShuffleExchangeExec): ShuffledRowRDD = {
      if (!postShuffleRDDs.containsKey(exchange)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
          s"The given $exchange is not registered in this coordinator.")


    private def doEstimationIfNecessary(): Unit = synchronized {
      if (!estimated) {
        // Make sure we have the expected number of registered Exchange operators.
        assert(exchanges.length == numExchanges)
        val newPostShuffleRDDs = new JHashMap[ShuffleExchangeExec, ShuffledRowRDD](numExchanges)
        // Submit all map stages
        val shuffleDependencies = ArrayBuffer[ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow]]()
        val submittedStageFutures = ArrayBuffer[SimpleFutureAction[MapOutputStatistics]]()
        var i = 0
        // 依次执行每个注册的exchange的prepareShuffleDependency方法
        while (i < numExchanges) {
          val exchange = exchanges(i)
          val shuffleDependency = exchange.prepareShuffleDependency()
          shuffleDependencies += shuffleDependency
          if (shuffleDependency.rdd.partitions.length != 0) {
            // submitMapStage does not accept RDD with 0 partition.
            // So, we will not submit this dependency.
            submittedStageFutures +=
          i += 1
        // Wait for the finishes of those submitted map stages.
        // 统计结果
        val mapOutputStatistics = new Array[MapOutputStatistics](submittedStageFutures.length)
        var j = 0
        while (j < submittedStageFutures.length) {
          // This call is a blocking call. If the stage has not finished, we will wait at here.
          mapOutputStatistics(j) = submittedStageFutures(j).get()
          j += 1
        // Now, we estimate partitionStartIndices. partitionStartIndices.length will be the
        // number of post-shuffle partitions.
        // 得到partitionStartIndices
        val partitionStartIndices =
          if (mapOutputStatistics.length == 0) {
          } else {
          // 根据 mapOutputStatistics 获取 partitionStartIndices
        // 执行preparePostShuffleRDD,和没有exchangeCoordinator唯一的不同是有partitionStartIndices参数!
        var k = 0
        while (k < numExchanges) {
          val exchange = exchanges(k)
          val rdd =
            exchange.preparePostShuffleRDD(shuffleDependencies(k), partitionStartIndices)
          newPostShuffleRDDs.put(exchange, rdd)
          k += 1
        // Finally, we set postShuffleRDDs and estimated.
        assert(newPostShuffleRDDs.size() == numExchanges)
        // 结果放入缓存
        estimated = true

    estimatePartitionStartIndices 函数得到了 partitionStartIndices:

     * Estimates partition start indices for post-shuffle partitions based on
     * mapOutputStatistics provided by all pre-shuffle stages.
    def estimatePartitionStartIndices(
        mapOutputStatistics: Array[MapOutputStatistics]): Array[Int] = {
      // If we have mapOutputStatistics.length < numExchange, it is because we do not submit
      // a stage when the number of partitions of this dependency is 0.
      assert(mapOutputStatistics.length <= numExchanges)
      // If minNumPostShufflePartitions is defined, it is possible that we need to use a
      // value less than advisoryTargetPostShuffleInputSize as the target input size of
      // a post shuffle task.
      // 每个partition的目标inputsize,即每个分区数据量的大小
      val targetPostShuffleInputSize = minNumPostShufflePartitions match {
        case Some(numPartitions) =>
          val totalPostShuffleInputSize = mapOutputStatistics.map(_.bytesByPartitionId.sum).sum
          // The max at here is to make sure that when we have an empty table, we
          // only have a single post-shuffle partition.
          // There is no particular reason that we pick 16. We just need a number to
          // prevent maxPostShuffleInputSize from being set to 0.
          val maxPostShuffleInputSize =
            math.max(math.ceil(totalPostShuffleInputSize / numPartitions.toDouble).toLong, 16)
          math.min(maxPostShuffleInputSize, advisoryTargetPostShuffleInputSize)
        case None => advisoryTargetPostShuffleInputSize
        s"advisoryTargetPostShuffleInputSize: $advisoryTargetPostShuffleInputSize, " +
        s"targetPostShuffleInputSize $targetPostShuffleInputSize.")
      // Make sure we do get the same number of pre-shuffle partitions for those stages.
      // 得到分区数,应该有且只有一个数值
      val distinctNumPreShufflePartitions =
        mapOutputStatistics.map(stats => stats.bytesByPartitionId.length).distinct
      // The reason that we are expecting a single value of the number of pre-shuffle partitions
      // is that when we add Exchanges, we set the number of pre-shuffle partitions
      // (i.e. map output partitions) using a static setting, which is the value of
      // spark.sql.shuffle.partitions. Even if two input RDDs are having different
      // number of partitions, they will have the same number of pre-shuffle partitions
      // (i.e. map output partitions).
        distinctNumPreShufflePartitions.length == 1,
        "There should be only one distinct value of the number pre-shuffle partitions " +
          "among registered Exchange operator.")
      val numPreShufflePartitions = distinctNumPreShufflePartitions.head
      // 开始构建partitionStartIndices
      val partitionStartIndices = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
      // The first element of partitionStartIndices is always 0.
      partitionStartIndices += 0
      var postShuffleInputSize = 0L
     // 根据targetPostShuffleInputSize,对分区进行调整,会做一些合并之类的操作。
      var i = 0
      while (i < numPreShufflePartitions) {
        // We calculate the total size of ith pre-shuffle partitions from all pre-shuffle stages.
        // Then, we add the total size to postShuffleInputSize.
        var nextShuffleInputSize = 0L
        var j = 0
        while (j < mapOutputStatistics.length) {
          nextShuffleInputSize += mapOutputStatistics(j).bytesByPartitionId(i)
          j += 1
        // If including the nextShuffleInputSize would exceed the target partition size, then start a
        // new partition.
        if (i > 0 && postShuffleInputSize + nextShuffleInputSize > targetPostShuffleInputSize) {
          partitionStartIndices += i
          // reset postShuffleInputSize.
          postShuffleInputSize = nextShuffleInputSize
        } else postShuffleInputSize += nextShuffleInputSize
        i += 1



    // 防止转化为BroadcastJoin
    spark.conf.set("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", 1)
    // 开启exchangeCoordinator
    spark.conf.set("spark.sql.adaptive.enabled", "true")
    val df = spark.read.json("examples/src/main/resources/test.json")
    val df2 = spark.read.json("examples/src/main/resources/test2.json")
    spark.sql("SELECT A.B FROM A JOIN C ON A.B = C.B").explain()


    `*(5) Project [B#6]`
    `+- *(5) SortMergeJoin [B#6], [B#14], Inner`
       :- *(2) Sort [B#6 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
       :  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(B#6, 200)
       :     +- *(1) Project [B#6]
       :        +- *(1) Filter isnotnull(B#6)
       :           +- *(1) FileScan json [B#6] Batched: false, Format: JSON, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:examples/src/main/resources/test.json], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(B)], ReadSchema: struct<B:string>
       +- *(4) Sort [B#14 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
          +- Exchange hashpartitioning(B#14, 200)
             +- *(3) Project [B#14]
                +- *(3) Filter isnotnull(B#14)
                   `+- *(3) FileScan json [B#14] Batched: false, Format: JSON, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:examples/src/main/resources/test2.json], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(B)], ReadSchema: struct<B:string`>


    *(5) Project [B#6]
    +- *(5) SortMergeJoin [B#6], [B#14], Inner
       :- *(2) Sort [B#6 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
       :  +- Exchange(coordinator id: 1121577170) hashpartitioning(B#6, 200), coordinator[target post-shuffle partition size: 67108864]
       :     +- *(1) Project [B#6]
       :        +- *(1) Filter isnotnull(B#6)
       :           +- *(1) FileScan json [B#6] Batched: false, Format: JSON, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:examples/src/main/resources/test.json], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(B)], ReadSchema: struct<B:string>
       +- *(4) Sort [B#14 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
          +- Exchange(coordinator id: 1121577170) hashpartitioning(B#14, 200), coordinator[target post-shuffle partition size: 67108864]
             +- *(3) Project [B#14]
                +- *(3) Filter isnotnull(B#14)
                   +- *(3) FileScan json [B#14] Batched: false, Format: JSON, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:examples/src/main/resources/test2.json], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(B)], ReadSchema: struct<B:string>

    不同之处是 两个Exchange都带了coordinator,且都是同一个coordinator。


    屏幕快照 2018-08-16 下午2.36.59


    生成了coordinator,且执行了 doPrepare后,可以看到两个exchange都向其注册了。

    屏幕快照 2018-08-16 下午8.16.28



    屏幕快照 2018-08-16 下午8.29.29

    execute 最终的输出是rdd,剩下的结果便是spark对rdd的运算了。其实 spark sql 最终的目标便也是生成rdd,交给spark core来运算。

    spark sql的介绍到这里就结束了。



          本文标题:spark sql 2.3 源码解读 - Execute (7
