东湖公园赏菊 Taste the chrysanthemum i

东湖公园赏菊 Taste the chrysanthemum i

作者: 刘蕊laurie | 来源:发表于2019-12-03 22:57 被阅读0次


The autumn is cool, but the chrysanthemum is warm, stunning beauty of each flower, the aristocratic Miss style looks graceful, the gentlewoman style looks elegant, the autumn colors are as beautiful as of spring, gorgeous,beautiful, delicate, pure, charming, enchanting……, no trace of the weather-beaten found they had experienced, you will feel that you’re in spring, but the colors covering four seasons remind you that they are the rich autumn beauties.

花径,花桥,花墙,花园..... ,花把假山装扮成了春天,花和水中的倒影比美,花从篱笆里钻出来,送给你一脸的灿烂,闹市有幽,花香引路

Flower path, flower bridge, flower wall,gardens... flowers dress up the rockery as spring; flowers compare the beauty with it’s reflection in the water; flowers come out of the fence and give you brilliance of a full face. There are secluded and fragrant spot in the downtown,the flower fragrance will lead you.


Full of splendid scenes in my bosom, prosperityin nature, flowers are in a riot of colors and with graceful bearings, put flower fragrance into my full clothes, hide the samite into my heart.


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      本文标题:东湖公园赏菊 Taste the chrysanthemum i
