英-in two weeks or two weeks from

英-in two weeks or two weeks from

作者: Yanina_Ho | 来源:发表于2020-02-13 19:57 被阅读0次

23rd. S1

A:Hey bro, I'm going to Thailand two weeks later.
D:Oh, that sounds fun, but the sentence sounds strange.
D:For native speakers, we would say I'm going to Thailand in two weeks or two weeks from now.
A:OK, got it. The beach is gonna be so beautiful.
D:They'll all see your dad bod.
A:Shut up!

-We can use "two weeks later'' if we're talking about the the past.
For example, I went to Thailand three months ago and then two weeks later I went to Malaysia.
-But if we're talking about the present or the future, we say ''in two weeks'' or ''two weeks from now''.
For example, I plan to go to Vancouver in two months or I could say '' I'm going to Vancouver two months from now''.

-What is a ''dad bod''? We take two words ''dad'' and ''body'' and put them together.
What happens after you get married? You have kids, you don't have  so much time to go to the gym, you start to put on some weight. Maybe you have a beer belly, maybe your body doesn't look so good.
So we call that a ''dad bod'', but ''dad bods'' actually became kind of  popular recently because Leonardo DiCaprio (小李子), a very very famous actor, had a ''dad bod''. 靠身材走形而频上头条,你值得拥有。



      本文标题:英-in two weeks or two weeks from
