3D-touch API - Home Screen Quick

3D-touch API - Home Screen Quick

作者: DovYoung | 来源:发表于2017-02-06 11:16 被阅读58次


    Home Screen Quick Actions


    • 静态

    Static quick actions are available to the user immediately upon app installation. Define Home screen static quick actions in your app’s Info.plist file in the UIApplicationShortcutItems array.


    • 动态

    Dynamic quick actions are available to the user after first launch. Define Home screen dynamic quick actions with the UIApplicationShortcutItem, UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem, and UIApplicationShortcutIcon classes. Add dynamic quick actions to your app’s shared UIApplication object using the shortcutItems property.

    动态方式通过创建UIApplicationShortcutItem, UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem和UIApplicationShortcutIcon对象,并在应用第一次启动的时候添加到UIApplication的shortcutItems数组里面来实现

    iOS 9 displays up to four Home screen quick actions for your app. Within this limit, the system shows your static quick actions first, starting at the topmost position in the menu. If your static items do not exhaust the limit and you have also defined dynamic quick actions, then one or more of your dynamic quick actions is displayed.

    iOS 9 默认的先显示静态的快速操作,如果静态的快捷方式没有超过4个,再去显示动态的快速操作,一共可以显示4个快捷方式.


    An application shortcut item, also called a Home screen dynamic quick action, specifies a user-initiated action for your app.



    • localizedTitle

    The required, user-visible title for the Home screen dynamic quick action.

    必须的 快速操作的标题

    • localizedSubtitle

    The optional, user-visible subtitle for the Home screen dynamic quick action.

    可选的 快速操作的副标题

    • type

    A required, app-specific string that you employ to identify the type of quick action to perform.

    必须的 快速操作的类型 用来标识执行的快速操作类型

    • icon

    The optional icon for the Home screen dynamic quick action.

    可选的 快速操作的图标 会被渲染成同一种颜色

    • userinfo

    Optional, app-specific information that you can provide for use when your app performs the Home screen quick action.

    可选的 用户信息 可以在用户执行快速操作的时候传递给用户


    A mutable application shortcut item, also called, verbosely, a mutable Home screen dynamic quick action, specifies a configurable user-initiated action for your app. This class is a convenience subclass of UIApplicationShortcutItem, helping you work with registered, and therefore immutable, quick actions.



    An application shortcut, or quick action, icon is an image you can optionally associate with a Home screen quick action to improve its appearance and usability.


    There are three types of quick action icon:

    An icon from a system-provided library of common types, as described in the UIApplicationShortcutIconType enumeration

    An icon derived from a custom template image in your app’s bundle and preferably in an asset catalog (see Template Images in UIKit User Interface Catalog and Asset Catalog Help)

    An icon representing a contact in the user's address book, which you access through the ContactsUI framework (see ContactsUI)


    • 系统提供的图标
    • 用户自定义的图标
    • 联系人图标


    • 静态的快速操作实现方式


                <string>New Message</string>


    • 动态的快速操作实现方式


    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;


    UIApplicationShortcutIcon *icon1 = [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithType:UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeCompose];
    UIApplicationShortcutIcon *icon2 = [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithType:UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeShare];
    UIApplicationShortcutIcon *icon3 = [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithType:UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeAdd];
    UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem *item1 = [[UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem alloc] initWithType:@"com.test.dynamic" localizedTitle:@"item1" localizedSubtitle:@"item1sub" icon:icon1 userInfo:nil];
    UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem *item2 = [[UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem alloc] initWithType:@"com.test.dynamic" localizedTitle:@"item2" localizedSubtitle:@"item2sub" icon:icon2 userInfo:nil];
    UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem *item3 = [[UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem alloc] initWithType:@"com.test.dynamic" localizedTitle:@"item3" localizedSubtitle:@"item3sub" icon:icon3 userInfo:nil];
    NSArray *items = @[item1, item2, item3];
    if ([UIApplication sharedApplication].shortcutItems.count == 0) {
        [UIApplication sharedApplication].shortcutItems = items;


    • 点击之后我们怎么去执行相应的操作


    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application performActionForShortcutItem:(UIApplicationShortcutItem *)shortcutItem completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL))completionHandler {

    Called when the user selects a Home screen quick action for your app, except when you’ve intercepted the interaction in a launch method.



          本文标题:3D-touch API - Home Screen Quick
