Xiaoyi's English diary__Life

Xiaoyi's English diary__Life

作者: 陈晓依 | 来源:发表于2018-01-31 23:45 被阅读33次

Wed.Jan.31th.2018            sunny and cold

At the moment, I sat on my bed and cried sadly.I asked myself

What is happiness?

What is pain?

What is life.

Why Life is full of pain.Why many people aren't happy in their daily life.

I think that the most horrible thing in the world is that u lose interest in everything.

Sometimes,I complain the fate and even  grumble  why my life is full of pain.But,no matter how many times I asked there is nobody gives me the answer.

In fact,there isn't an answer at all. As the time passed,I knew it slowly.

No matter happines or pain, both of them are main road during everyone' journey.

Since I can't refuse,the best way is to recept and face it. Enjoy the pain is also a kind of happiness.

From that time ,I made a decision .I can't change anything, but I can  change myself first.

I do sports,have a holiday and so on.I am interested in everything,I begain to love others and help them,of course,They help me more.

I told myself in my deeply heart.Xiaoyi,never give up .Love nature ,others and yourself.Do the sun of your own and give your families  warm and power.Life is full of hope If u are interested it.



      本文标题:Xiaoyi's English diary__Life
