

作者: 自观问渠 | 来源:发表于2018-12-07 09:07 被阅读0次



1. 英英释义:something that helps you to become successful 

例句:A fluent command of English is a springboard to professional success. 

2. 为什么选这个词? 

“springboard”的本意是跳水或体操运动中的“跳板”,它也常被用来表示有助于开展事业的基础、出发点。当我们想表示“A 促成了 B 的成功”,就可以说“A is a springboard for/to B”。注意 springboard 是个可数名词,我们在使用的时候要注意主谓一致。 

比如,英语好可以促成职业上的成功,就可以说: A fluent commandof English is a springboard to professional success.

我们常说“失败是成功之母”(Failure is the mother of success),说的也就是失败是成功的跳板,我们可以用 springboard 把这句谚语改写成: Our failures can act as springboards for future success.

许多学生选择考研是因为他们认为硕士学位是一个跳板,可以帮助他们取得更大的成功: For many students, a master’s degree is a springboard for bigger success.

这句话也和我们之前学过的 ground(表示“理由”)结合起来写成:Many students take the Postgraduate Admission Test on the grounds that a master’s degree provides a springboard for greater success.

我们在学习语言时,要注意一些常见表达的比喻意义,让我们自己的表达更丰富、好玩。比如我们之前学习的 passport 和今天的 springboard,都是可以用在写作和口语中的实用表达。 


搭配:一般springboard后面跟的是褒义 //serve as/act as a potent/ helpful/ useful springboard for/to something

//provide a springboard for somebody

//use/see something as a springboard to something or to do something

It could provide a springboard to success.

移民的三种说法:immigration, emigration, migration


If you emigrate, you leave your own country and go to live permanently in another country: He emigrated from China in the 1970’s.

If you immigrate to a country, you go to live in that country permanently: He immigrated to the US in the 1970’s.

When people migrate, they temporarily move to another place, usually a city or another country, in order to find work: Millions have migrated to the cities.    移民工人migrant workers


同义词:springboard, beginning, commencement

For Mr Milliband, the bedroom tax is a helpful springboard for a wider war on welfare reform. (The Economist)

 A fluent command of English is a springboard to professional success.


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