Level 1 Unit 2

Level 1 Unit 2

作者: 杜杜_27a5 | 来源:发表于2018-09-21 09:57 被阅读0次

    懂你英语Level 1 Unit2

    Part 1


    People, Country & Cities

    Here are two people.        The person on the left is a man.

    His name is Dan.           The person on the right is a woman.

    Her name is Tina.         

    Here are two countries.      The country on the left is India.

    India is an Asian country.    The country on the right is Brazil.

    Brazil is in South America.   It isn't an Asian country.

    Here are three cities: Beijing,Shanghai and Tokyo.

    Beijing and Shanghai are both in China.

    Tokyo is in Japan.

    Beijing and Shanghai are in the same


    Tokyo is in a different country fromShanghai.


    Personal Information

    This boy's name is Ben Harris.

    His first name is Ben.

    His last name is Harris.

    Ben is from Canada.

    He's 12 years old.

    This girl's name is Lisa Jackson.

    Her first name is Lisa.

    Her last name is Jackson .

    Lisa is from the US.

    She's 12 years old.

    Ben and Lisa come from differentcountries.

    She is from the US and he is from Canada.

    They are both 12 years old.

    They are the same age.



    Describing Things

    An open door.        This door is open.

    A closed door.        This door is closed.

    An open window.     This window is open.

    A closed window.     This window is closed.

    A long pencil.        This pencil is long.

    A short pencil.        This pencil is short.

    A  red book.      This book is red.   

    A  green book.    This book is green.

    A big chair.       This chair is big.    

    A little chair.      This chair is little.

    A tall man.        This man is tall.    

    A short man.      This man is short.

    An open door.        O-p-e-n.       

    A closed door.        C-l-o-s-e-d.

    A long pencil.         L-o-n-g.       

    A short pencil.        S-h-o-r-t.

    A red book.           R-e-d.        

    A green book.         G-r-e-e-n.

    A big chair.           B-i- g.         

    A little chair.        L-i-t-t-l-e.

    A tall man.           T-a-l-l.         

    A short man.       S-h-o-r-t.

    Daily Actions

    Read a book.        Write your name.        Study science.  

    Stand in a line.       Sit in a circle.           Ask question.


    Talk About Yourself

    Dan:Good afternoon, Tina.

    Tina:Good afternoon, Dan.

    Dan:Do you know that man over there?

    Tina:No, I don't. I don't know who he is. Do

    you know? Dan:No, I don't know either.

    Dan:Hi, I'm Dan.

    Albert:Hi, I'm Albert Gomaz. It's nice to meetyou.

    Dan:Where are you from, Albert?

    Albert:I'm from Mexico but I live in Turkey.

    Dan:Turkey? Where do you live in Turkey?

    Albert:I live in Istanbul.

    Dan:Istanbul. It is a beautiful city.

    Albert:Yes, it is. I like living there.

    W:Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?


    W:Thanks, what's your name?

    Lisa:My name is Lisa Jackson.

    W:How do you spell your name?

    Lisa:My first name is Lisa, L-i-s-a. 

    My lastname is Jackson, J-a-c-k-s-o-n.

    W:How old are you, Lisa?

    Lisa:I'm 12 years old.

    W:Where are you from?

    Lisa:I come from the US.

    W:Do you live in the US?

    Lisa:No, I don't. I live in China.

    W:Really? Where do you live in China?

    Lisa:I live in Shanghai.

    W:Are you a student there?

    Lisa:Yes, I'm a student.

    W:Can you speak Chinese?

    Lisa:Yes, I can speak Chinese.

    W:That's great. Thank you, Lisa.


    Letter & Number

    Time & Initial Letters

    One o'clock.  Three o'clock.   Five o'clock.   

    Eight o'clock.  Eleven o'clock.

    Five minutes.  Fifty minutes.  Thirty minutes.  

    Forty-five minutes. One hour.

    Bb    a ball           a boy        a book

    Pp    paper          push         a pond

    Dd    a door         put down      a duck

    Tt     turn           a table        a taxi

    Vv    Venice         a violin        a volleyball

    Ll     turn left        a line          a lamp

    Rr    a red book     A restaurant     turn right

    Mm   A mouth       A map          A mouse

    Nn    a nose        north            nine

    Ss    South         theSun          a salad

    Part 2


    The Harris Family 1

    This is Ben Harris.

    This is his family.

    These are his parents.

    This is his father.

    His father's name is Paul.

    This is his mother.

    His mother's name is Kathy.

    Their family name is Harris .

    This is Ben's brother.

    His name is Jeff.

    He is 15 years old.

    This is Ben's sister.

    Her name is Maggie.

    She is 8 years old.


    The Harris Family 2

    Here are Ben's grandparents.

    They are his mother's parents.

    This is his grandfather.

    His grandfather is 65 years old.

    This is his grandmother.

    His grandmother is 62 years old.

    His other grandparents are dead.

    They died in a car accident.

    Ben and his family live in Toronto.

    They live in a house.

    His grandparents don't live with them.

    They live in an apartment.



    Time of Day & Body Parts

    It's morning.

    Good morning.

    It's afternoon.

    Good afternoon.

    It's evening.

    Good evening.

    It's night.

    Good night.

    It's daytime.

    The sun is up.

    It's nighttime.

    The sun is down.

    It's morning.


    It's afternoon.


    It's evening.


    It's night.



    We see with our eyes.


    We hear with our ears.

    A nose.

    We smell with our nose.

    A mouth.

    We eat with our mouth.


    We touch things with our hands.

    Daily Actions

    Draw a line.

    Turn on the light.

    Turn off the light.

    Draw a map.

    Take out your phone.

    Put away your phone.


    Talk About Ben's Family

    Lisa:Hello, Ben.

    Ben:Hi, Lisa.

    Lisa:I have some questions for you.

    Ben:Sure. What are they about?

    Lisa:They are about your family.


    Lisa:Your family live in Toronto, right?

    Ben:Yes, we live in Toronto.

    Lisa:How many people are there in yourfamily?

    Ben:There are five people in my family.

    Lisa:Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    Ben:Yes, I do. I have one brother and onesister.

    Lisa:So, your parents have three children,right?

    Ben:Right. Two boys plus one girl equals

    three children. Lisa:Your math is good, Ben.

    Lisa:And here is the last question, do youlive in a house or an apartment?

    Ben:We live in a house.

    Lisa:Thanks, Ben.

    Ben:You are welcome.

    Ben:Hi, Lisa.


    Ben:Can I have your phone number?

    Lisa:Sure. 18601637478. What's yours?

    Ben:My number is 4089057771.

    Lisa:You can send me a message.



    Letters &Numbers

    Time & Fractions

    One fifteen.

    Eleven twenty.

    Five past seven.

    Ten past eight.

    Nine fifty-five.

    Ten minutes to ten.

    Twenty minutes after seven.

    Twenty-five minutes to three.

    Eight o five.

    Eleven twenty-five.

    One half.        One third.          One fifth.    

    Three fifths.     Three quarters.     Seven tenths.

    One and a half.

    Five and two thirds.

    Eight and four fifths.

    Seven and one third.

    Part 3


    The Jackson Family 1

    This is Lisa Jackson.

    This is her family.

    These are her parents.

    This is her father.

    Her father's name is Bill.

    Bill is white.

    This is her mother.

    Her mother's name is Helen.

    Helen is black.

    Their family name is Jackson.

    Lisa has a sister, but no brother.

    Her sister's name is Angela.

    Angela is 9 years old.

    Here are Lisa's grandparents.

    They are her father's parents.

    This is her grandfather.

    Her grandfather is 70 years old.

    This is her grandmother.

    Her grandmother is 65 years old.

    Her other grandparents live inFrance.

    They are both 72 years old.

    The Jackson Family 2

    Lisa and her family live in Shanghai.

    They live in an apartment in Shanghai.

    Their apartment is on the 5thfloor.

    Her parents are teachers.

    Her father teaches English toadults.

    Her mother teaches English to children.

    Lisa and her sister are students.

    They go to school.

    Lisa is in the 7th grade.

    Angela is in the 4th grade.



    Weather & Daily Actions

    It's sunny weather.

    It's raining.

    It's cloudy today.

    It's hot.

    It's cold.

    Walk to the door.

    Wait for the elevator.

    Run to the bus.

    Ride a bicycle.

    Throw a ball.

    Catch a ball.


    People & Jobs


    Students study.


    A teacher teaches.

    A school.

    Teachers teach in schools.

    A classroom.

    Students study in classroom atschool.

    A coach.

    Coaches teach sports.



    Talk About Lisa's Family

    Tom is a boy.

    He and Lisa go to the same school.

    They are friends.

    Tom:Hi, Lisa.

    Lisa:Hi, Tom, how are you today?

    Tom:I'm fine. I really like this weather.

    Lisa:Yes, it’s nice weather. I like sunny weather.

    Tom:As you too.

    Tom:So today, I have some questions for you,OK?


    Tom:First, could you tell me about yourfamily?

    Lisa:OK. There are four people in my family, my parents, me and my sister.

    Tom:You don't have any brothers?

    Lisa:Right, I don't have any brothers.

    Tom:What do your parents do?

    Lisa:My parents are both teachers.

    Tom:What do they teach?

    Lisa:They both teach English.

    Tom:How old is your sister?

    Lisa:My sister is 9 years old.

    Tom: How old are you?

    Lisa:I'm 12, what about you?

    Tom:I'm12, the same age of you.

    Lisa:Yes, we are the same age, but we comefrom different countries. 

              You come from Australia, and I come from the US.

    Tom:Yes, so we both speak English.

    Lisa:How about your Chinese?

    Tom:It's OK, but not good. How'syours?

    Lisa:It's good.

    Tom:Hey, what time is it?

    Lisa:It's four o'clock.

    Tom:It's time to go home.

    Lisa:Me too, see you tomorrow.

    Tom:See ya.


    Letter & Number

    Letters & Numbers

    Ch    a chair       a bench.       a teacher.

    Sh    a shirt.        push.         shoes.

    Th    a mouth.      a thumb.      a tooth.

    bl     blue.          black.    

    br     brown.        a brain.

    Cl    a cloud.       a clock.

    Dr    a dress.       drink.

    Cr    a crosswalk.    a crow.

    eight plus five = 8 + 5           nine and five = 9 + 5

    eight minus five = 8 - 5          eight times five = 8 * 5

    eight divided by five = 8 / 5      one half times three =1/2 * 3

    divided two by four =2/ 4        two third of nine = 2/3 * 9

    eight and a half minus two = 8 + 1/2-2

    eight and a half plus two = 8 + 1/2 + 2

    Part 4


    Cities & Languages

    Here are four cities.

    Beijing is in China.

    London is in England.

    Tokyo is in Japan.

    Paris is in France.

    Beijing and Tokyo are both in Asia.

    London and Paris are both in Europe.

    In France, people speak French.

    In China, people speak Chinese.

    In Japan, people speak Japanese.


    Countries & Languages

    This is Europe.        There are many countries in Europe.

    France, Italy and Germany are all inEurope.

    People in these countries speakdifferent languages.

    They don't speak the same language.

    The French speak French.       The Italians speak Italian.

    The Germans speak German.

    There are many different languages.

    In Europe and Asia many students studyEnglish.

    English is their second language.

    Many people can speak two languages.

    Right now you are studying English.

    This is North America.         There are three countries in NorthAmerica.

    Canada, the US and Mexico are all inNorth America.

    Canada is north of the US.     The US is south of Canada.      

    Mexico is south of the US.     In Mexico, people speak Spanish.

    In Canada and the US, people speakEnglish.



    Places & Time of Day

    A school.                 Students study at school.

    An apartment building.     An apartment building has many apartments.

    A house.                 Some people live in big houses.

    A sidewalk.              Peoplewalk on a sidewalk.

    A street.                 Peopledrive cars on a street.

    It's morning.              People get up in the morning.

    It's afternoon.             People eat lunch in the afternoon.

    It's evening.              People eat dinner in the evening.

    It's night.                 People sleep at night.

    It's daytime.              It's nighttime.             It's dark at night.

    Describing Things

    A red book.     This book is red.     A green book.    This book is green.

    A big chair.     This is a big chair.    A little chair.     This chair is little.

    A tall man.      This man is tall and thin.

    A short man.    This man is short and heavy.


    Talk About Dan's Family

    Tina:Hi Dan.

    Dan:Hi Tina.

    Tina:Here are some questions for you.

    Dan:Sure, go ahead.

    Tina:First, where are you from?

    Dan:I am from the US. I live in SanFrancisco.

    Tina:Do you have a family?

    Dan:Yes, I do. I have a wife and twochildren.

    Tina:What's your wife's name?

    Dan:My wife's name is Sally. She's Chinese.

    Tina:She's Chinese?

    Dan:Yes, she's from Beijing.

    Tina:What about your children?

    Dan:I have a boy, Harry, and a girl, Lily.

    Tina:How old are they?

    Dan:Harry is 7 and Lily is 5.

    Tina:What do you do?

    Dan:What do I do?

    Tina:Yes, what's your job?

    Dan:I'm a pilot. I fly airplanes.

    Tina:That's interesting.

    Dan:Yes, it is. I like my job.

    Tina:What languages do you speak?

    Dan:I can speak several languages.

    Tina:What are they?

    Dan:I can speak French, Spanish, and alittle Chinese.

    Tina:That's great. Thanks, Dan.

    Dan:You are welcome.

    Hi, I'm Dan.

    I live in San Francisco.

    I live there with my family.

    I have a wife and two children.

    I can speak several languages.

    It's nice to meet to you.


    Letter & Number

    Letters, Operation & Time

    a book.   

    a pond.

    put down.

    a table.

    a violin.

    a lamp.

    a restaurant.

    a mouse.


    a salad.

    one o'clock.         three o'clock.

    five minutes.        fifteen minutes.   

    one fifteen.          twenty minutes after seven.

    one half.             one third.        

    one and a half.       five and two third.    

    nine and five.         eight minus five.    

    one half timesthree.   divide two by four.

    Part 5


    The Jacksons(Languages)

    This is Lisa Jackson.     

    Her full name is Lisa Marie Jackson.       Lisa is her first name.       

    Her middle name is Marie.                And her last name is Jackson.

    Lisa's mother comes from France.

    She can speak two languages, English andFrench.

    And now she's studying Chinese.

    Lisa's father comes from the US.   

    He can speak English and a little Spanish.

    And now he's studying Chinese.

    Lisa and her sister go to the sameschool.

    In school, they speak Chinese.    

    Their Chinese is very good.

    At home, they speak English.     

    Their parent's Chinese isn't very good.

    They study many subjects in school.

    They study science and math.

    They study English and Chinese.

    They study other subjects too.


    Lisa and Angela's Abilities

    Angela is good at math and science.

    She's also good at sports.

    She can run very fast.

    She can jump rope.

    She isn't good at art.

    Her drawings aren't very good.

    Lisa likes languages and books.

    She also likes music.

    She loves music.

    She can play the violin a little.

    She doesn't like math.

    Angela can't play the violin.

    She can't play the piano.

    But she can sing.

    She can sing very well.

    She and Lisa are both good singers.

    They like to sing.


    Weather & Colors

    It's windy today.       The wind is blowing.

    It's raining.            It is raining, so take an umbrella.

    It's cloudy weather.    It's cloudy, so we can't see the Sun.

    It's cold today.        It's cold so wear a coat.

    Smog.               It's smoggy, so wear a mask.

    A black coat.         This coat is black.

    A yellow umbrella.     This umbrella is yellow.

    A blue scarf.          This is a blue scarf.

    A brown hat.          This hat is brown.

    Black gloves.         These gloves are black.

    Daily Actions

    Sitting on a bench.          She is sitting on a bench.

    Standing in an elevator.      He is standing in an elevator.        

    Pushing the door open.      She is pushing the door open.

    Pulling the door open.       She is pulling the door open.

    Sitting at a table.            He is sitting at a table.


    Class Schedule

    Tom:Good morning, Lisa.

    Lisa:Hi, Tom.

    Tom:What's your first class?

    Lisa:My first class is math, what's yours?

    Tom:My first class is science.

    Lisa:What's your second class?

    Tom:My second class is English.

    Lisa:Do you like your English teacher?

    Tom:Yeah, she's a good teacher. You haveEnglish class too, right?

    Lisa:Yes, I have English class.

    Tom:When is your English class?

    Lisa:It's in the afternoon, at 1 o'clock.

    Tom:I have math class at the same time.

    Lisa:OK. Right after lunch.

    Lisa:What's your last class?

    Tom:My last class is Chinese.

    Lisa:Me too.

    Tom:So we are in the same class.


    Tom:OK, see you in class.

    Dan:Do you know that man?

    Tina:No, I don't know who he is.

    Dan:Don't you?

    Tina:No, I don't, do you?

    Dan:Yes, I do.

    Dan:That's Albert Gomert.

    Tina:Who is Alert Gomert?

    Dan:He is a singer. He's from Mexico, but helives in Turkey.

    Tina:Oh, that's interesting. Is he a goodsinger?

    Dan:Yes, I think so.

    Tina:OK. Bye for now.


    Letter & Number

    Letters, Operation & Time

    a bench.

    a shirt.

    a thumb.



    a cloud.

    a dress.

    a crosswalk.

    eight o'clock.       eleven o'clock.       forty-five minutes.

    one hour.          ten past eight.       twenty-five minutes to three.

    three fifths.         three quarter.       eight and four fifths.

    seven and one third.     

    eight times five.    

    eight divided by five.

    eight and a half minus two.            

    eight and a half plus two.




          本文标题:Level 1 Unit 2
